The posters
The postersCourtesy

"No entry" signs were hung this past weekend on bins in Ramat Gan near the Horev religious school, proclaiming that "Zionist children study here".

"You are in a liberal school. Please do not hinder us from learning, enlightening, and creating," the notice says.

The Ramat Gan B'emuna municipal party, which was launched last week by close associates of Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, denounced the notices.

"Dear friends, the situation is serious and we must not remain silent! This morning we received dozens of inquiries from worried and angry residents about a wild and disgraceful act that happened at night - inflammatory signs were pasted on garbage cans near the Horev religious school, and other places around the city, with the clear aim of harming students and the religious public."

"This is a vile and despicable act that crosses all borders! We demand a sharp and immediate condemnation of this inciting act, and call on the police and the authorities to act hard against those responsible for this hate crime."

The party also said: "Enough of incitement! Enough of defamation! We will not remain silent in the face of this blatant and ongoing attempt to harm the religious community and its values. We will continue to fight vigorously for the truth and justice until a real change is finally made here. Do not choose to stand idle, my friends! The time has come to come out and fight together for our values and our rights!".