Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and First Lady Sara Netanyahu visited Mount Hermon on Israel's northern border on Wednesday, toured the site, and looked out on the Golan Heights. The two met with soldiers from the Nachal Bragaid who serve in the area and sat with them for a short conversation in the field over a cup of coffee.
"This place evokes so many feelings for me, first of all, nostalgia - I, as a soldier, as a commander, many years ago was here a lot, with a lot of operation, mostly in the snow. It's nice being here in the sun and looking at the magnificent development in the Golan Heights, which everyone works for; to see these big soldiers who gave me a small cup of coffee. And to really know that we are walking in territory that will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty. This wasn't given decades ago when I served here, and today it's obvious to all - that's important. Besides this, it's nice to show my wife that I was once young and would run through the hills."
Netanyahu also signed the Artillery Corps Namer 405 Brigade's guestbook and wrote: "We support you on your important mission - watch over the Hermon and watch over yourselves."
Sara Netanyahu wrote to the spouses of the soldiers and commanders: "Continue being supportive and strong because you are the strength of the soldiers, your boyfriends, and partners, and grow your children to love the nation and land, just like their fathers."