Esti and Shalom Yaniv
Esti and Shalom YanivYehoshua Mantal

Esti and Shalom Yaniv, parents of terror victims Hallel Menachem and Yagel Yaakov Yaniv, who were murdered in February, penned a letter to the IDF soldiers who demolished the home of terrorist Abd al-Fattah Hussein Ibrahim Gharusha, who carried out Huwara attack.

"Nearly half a year ago, a vile person murdered our two dear sons, IDF soldiers in the present and future, in a criminal terror attack," Esti and Shalom wrote. "Hallel and Yagel were murdered because they were Jews. Only because they were Jews who live in the Land of Israel."

"We are not in exile - in the Land of Israel, the Jewish nation has risen, and is in charge of its fate - and returns war on our enemies. You have been chosen to return the honor of our sons, the honor of Israel, our national pride. By demolishing the home, our children will not be brought back. The pain of missing them will not abate. The gaping hole will not become smaller.

"But in demolishing the home we will know that there is a law, and there is a judge. And mostly, the evil ones who rise up against us will know that they will pay a heavy price for their criminal actions, and it will be at their expense. And everyone around will know that anyone who raises a hand to a Jew in the Land of Israel - he will surely know, his home will be destroyed. And his end is near."

The letter continued, "There is punishment here. There is deterrence here. And from our perspective, revenge, as well. A desire to return, measure for measure, as the saying goes, 'We are here, and never again!' Never will we leave the Land of Israel. We have returned in order to make this land, and this country, bloom."

"We returned to Shechem (Nablus) in order to renew the covenant between all of the tribes. A covenant of love and commitment, and a covenant between us and our Father in heaven.

"Today you have merited to be the long and operating arm of the return of Israel's pride." they wrote, adding verses from Psalms (94:1-2), "O God of vengeance, O Lord; O God show vengeance. Exalt Yourself, O Judge of the earth, render to the haughty their recompense."

The letter was signed in the name of Esti and Shalom, as well as their surviving children, the extended family, and Hallel and Yagel themselves.