MK Merav Ben Ari (Yesh Atid) slammed the current Israeli government, saying that she is not in control while the opposition acts in an appropriate fashion.
"In this government, in its composition, there will not be any agreement with Saudi Arabia," Ben Ari told 103 FM Radio. "They are barely able to control [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) and his band. If there is an agreement, it won't be during this government. I see what voices we have in the government. Our opposition conducts itself in a practical fashion."
Regarding the upcoming hearing in the Supreme Court to discuss the reasonableness standard, she said, "We have a shocking event here. It's not by chance that 15 justices were chosen. The Likud is speaking with two voices: There is the voice of those extremists who say that we cannot interfere; on the other hand, there are other voices as well."
"We have always said that the biggest problem with the reasonableness standard is the constitutional crisis at the doorstep. And here we are, hearing about it. There are voices in the Likud which have said that they will not respect the ruling. The Knesset and the government have always respected the court's decision."
"We were never in a situation like the one we are in now, when the country is torn in two," she claimed. "Israeli society is torn, divided, and there is a real concern among civilians here regarding changes to the method of judgement. The Supreme Court justices also understand where they are right now, and the public is really torn."