Israel on Sunday evening confirmed Cypriot media reports that an Iranian terrorist attack against Israeli and Jewish targets in the island nation was thwarted.
The Prime Minister's office wrote in a statement: "Israel commends the thwarting of the Iranian terrorist attack in Cyprus against Israeli targets. The State of Israel is using a wide range of methods everywhere in order to defend Jews and Israelis and will continue to act in order to uproot Iranian terrorism wherever it rears its head, including in Iran, the main fomenter of terrorism in the world"
According to the reports earlier Sunday, the plot, which was planned by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, was thwarted in cooperation with the intelligence services of Israel and the United States.
The security authorities in Cyprus followed the Revolutionary Guards suspects for a long time. They are believed to have trained in the Turkish-occupied territories in northern Cyprus and were sent to carry out an attack.
This is the second such incident connected to the Revolutionary Guards in Cyprus in the last two years. In 2021, an Azeri citizen with a Russian passport was arrested who was also planning terrorist acts against Israeli targets on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
Iran has been implicated in numerous terrorist plots to attack Israeli and Jewish targets around the world. About three months ago, the Ministry of Defense and the Anti-Terrorism Unit in Greece arrested two suspects of Pakistani origin on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack against Israeli targets in the country, including in Athens.
Greek authorities said the suspects were planning to attack the Chabad of Athens center and had staked out the center for several days in preparation for the attack.
In November 2022, the country of Georgia announced that it had foiled an Iranian plot to assassinate Israeli-Georgian businessman Itsik Moshe.
The plot, which involved Pakistanis affiliated with Al-Qaeda, came to light after Georgian security forces noticed a member of the Pakistani agents acting suspiciously.