Car accident (illustrative)
Car accident (illustrative)iStock

Twelve Chabad yeshiva students who were travelling home on Monday night were injured when their van overturned and landed in what was described as a deep ditch, according to Yeshiva World News.

The boys were airlifted by helicopter to area hospitals, with one critically injured. The other victims had less serious injuries of varying degrees.

The students, who were from Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid in Poconos, Pennsylvania, had been on a trip to visit the Rebbe’s grave in eastern Queens, New York.

They were on their return drive at around 9:30 p.m. when the accident took place, according to the report.

The boys underwent tests that found most of them were not seriously hurt, according to Collive. But one of the them is still listed in critical condition.

Several of the boys were staying in the hospital for observation.