MK Simcha Rothman
MK Simcha RothmanYonatan Sindel/Flash90

The chairman of the Knesset Constitution Committee, MK Simcha Rothman, has presented the committee with his proposed legislation delineating the role of government legal advisers.

One of the clauses in the bill stipulates that legal opinions provided by government legal advisers, including the Attorney-General, are not binding and do not constitute a constraint on the actions of government ministers. Furthermore, if the bill passes, ministers will be permitted to act without receiving prior legal authorization or in even in opposition to the advice of their ministry's legal counsel.

The bill states that, "Legal advice given to the Prime Minister, the government, or one of its ministers does not bind them and does not have the power to change its legal situation.

"The government, Prime Minister, and any individual minister are authorized to overrule the legal counsel and act against it."

In addition, Rothman's bill will allow ministers, including the Prime Minister, to appoint their own legal advisers, rather than being forced to take the legal adviser appointed by the Justice Ministry.

The bill also delineates the authority of the attorney general and emphasizes that the government will decide how to act "according its discretion."