
A woman in Indonesia faked her death on her daughter's Facebook account to get out of debt, complete with alleged photographs of her 'corpse.'

The woman, who was identified only as 'L,' had received a loan of $268, equivalent to 4.2 million Indonesian rupiahs, from Maya Gunawan.

When the date of repayment past, Gunawan saw a post on the Facebook page of L's daughter stating that her mother had died in a car crash. The post included photographs of what appeared to be a corpse wrapped in a sheet and photographs of L pretending to be dead. It even included details on funeral arrangements.

Gunawan was immediately suspicious because L'd body appeared to be in much better condition for someone who was allegedly killed in a traffic accident.

L's daughter later stated that her mother had logged into her account to post the false update of her demise.

Gunawan shared the story on social media, causing it to go viral. She told local media that she has not gone to the police over the incident, and that she is still attempting to get her money back, though L has become unreachable.