In a series of joint counter-terrorism operations conducted overnight, the IDF, ISA (Shabak) and Israel Border Police forces apprehended a number of wanted men in several locations in Judea and Samaria, including in the towns of Deir Abu Masha'al and Deir al-'Asal.

IDF soldiers also secured the coordinated entrance of Israeli civilians to Joseph’s Tomb in the city of Shechem, during the course of which, armed Palestinians hurled explosive devices and fired toward the soldiers, endangering their lives. The soldiers responded with live fire. Hits were identified. No IDF injuries were reported.

IDF soldiers also conducted counter-terrorism activity in the towns of al-Azariya and al-Walaja, and apprehended two wanted suspects. Soldiers also operated in the town of Al-Mughayyir and apprehended two wanted suspects. In addition, soldiers located and confiscated an “Airsoft” gun and military equipment in the town of Baqa. No IDF injuries were reported in any of these locations.

The suspects and confiscated weapon and equipment were transferred to security forces for further processing.