Amal Oraby
Amal OrabyKan 11

The Israel Broadcasting Corporation's internal ethics committee unanimously determined that Amal Oraby, who periodically presents programs with the public corporation, violated its code of ethics on two different occasions.

Both times, Oraby wrote on his Twitter account using terms related to the Holocaust in an "inappropriate" context, according to the ethics committee.

The first time was when Oraby referred to the right in general, and supporters of Otzma Yehudit Chairman, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir in particular, using terms such as 'fascist' and 'neo-Nazi'. Oraby deleted the relevant posts after a few days.

Following his statements, and complaints submitted to the Corporation's management by the B'Tzsalmo human rights organization, officials in the corporation's management made it clear to Oraby that such statements cannot be repeated. However, soon afterward, he wrote on Twitter "I love the hysteria of the Jews every time an occupation soldier from the Israeli militia in the occupied territories beats a Jew."

In response to a complaint from the human rights organization B'Tsalmo, Dr. Uri Paz, who is in charge of public inquiries and complaints at Kan News said that "the internal ethics committee unanimously decided that the use made by Mr. Oraby of the two terms related to the Holocaust is inappropriate and inconsistent with the Corporation's code of ethics. It is also inconsistent with the decision of the Council's Ethics Committee, according to which one must 'avoid using motifs associated with the Holocaust to report, describe and condemn events that are not related to the Holocaust of the Jews in World War II'. The committee recommended that this decision be passed on to the management of the Corporation and the production company."

Shai Glick, CEO of B'Tzsalmo, said: "We came to banish the darkness." I request that the CEO of the Corporation, Mr. Golan Yochpaz, announce the removal of Amal Oraby today from all the Corporation's broadcasts. These days of Hanukkah, there is nothing more appropriate than to remove Amal Oraby, who is spreading darkness, hatred, and incitement against the Jewish people and the IDF soldiers who protect us all and compares us to Nazis. The Corporation's management must back up the ethics committee and refuse to let Oraby continue to incite with the funding of the Israeli taxpayer."

Alon Schwarzer, head of the research and policy department of the right-wing Im Tirzu movement: "In light of the conclusions of the ethics committee and Araby’s extreme behavior, the Corporation's management must now stop all relations with him. If Mr. Oraby wants to continue inciting against IDF soldiers, he is welcome to go look for a job in the Palestinian Authority or with Hizbullah. There is no place for instigators against IDF soldiers in the Israel Broadcasting Corporation."