A suspicion arose during investigations into the whereabouts of Moishe Kleinerman, a missing 17-year-old, that he may be with members of the Lev Tahor cult, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
According to the report, the news first broke on Thursday, when Israel Police for the first time did not request that the gag order on the details of the search be maintained.
The investigation into whether Kleinerman was with Lev Tahor was just one of dozens of possibilities investigated thoroughly by Israel Police, the site noted.
Kikar Hashabbat added that the possibility that Kleinerman had disappeared due to nationalistic actions had also been investigated, drawing Shabak (Israel Security Agency) into the investigation. This possibility was later dismissed.
Suspicions were also raised that Kleinerman may be abroad, and to this end, police contacted their counterparts in other countries, requesting aid in their search for the teen.
Meanwhile, the police commander in charge of the investigation has been in constant contact with the Kleinerman family, and maintains contact with them up to today.