An evening of appreciation was held this evening at the Nesher Culture Hall by the Israel Police, where certificates of appreciation were awarded to the Israel Dog Unit (IDU), a nonprofit specializing in search and rescue, for locating missing persons and their willingness to help at any time and for any request in emergencies in the Asher region.
The certificates were awarded by Deputy Commissioner Shaul Tzemach, commander of the Asher region, and in the presence of Commander Molya Nir Jambar, who is entering the position of Commander of the Zebulun region, which sees the highest number of missing person cases in the country annually. Commander Nir Yona, of the Zebulun Police Department, who is leaving and entering the position of Commander of Officer Training at the National Police College of the Israel Police, took part as well.
The certificates were awarded to IDU director Yekutiel Ben-Ya'akov, and the IDU's coordinator for Israel's north, Dudi Miblum. An IDU spokesperson commented "The IDU is always ready and happy to attend and assist with incidents."
A tracker unit, officers, and other departments took part in the ceremony.