Meah She'arim (illustrative)
Meah She'arim (illustrative)Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90

In keeping with the usual pre-election tradition, on Sunday night a demonstration was held in Jerusalem's Meah She'arim neighborhood against Tuesday's elections.

The protest was attended by Eida Haharedit rabbis, who called on the group's members not to vote in the elections.

Participating in the protest were thousands of local residents, and speaking at the event were members of the Jewish court, as well as local leaders who constitute the Eida Haharedit communities.

In their speeches, the members of the Eida Haharedit spoke out "against the participation of haredim in the elections to the Knesset of 'heretics,'" which they also described as the "cooperation with the seculars."

They also described how the haredi community "took a right" and is "provoking the nations" on everything regarding diplomatic issues.

Following the protest, the crowd dispersed, but several dozen people went to Bar Ilan Street, clashing with security forces stationed there.