Upon learning of the elimination of terrorist Udai Tamimi, who murdered IDF soldier Noa Lazar in the shooting attack at the Shu'afat checkpoint and was eliminated on Wednesday after carrying out another shooting attack in Ma’aleh Adumim, thousands of Palestinian Arabs in towns throughout Judea and Samaria took to the streets in a show of solidarity with the terrorist.
In Ramallah, a convoy of cars went out in memory of the terrorist and nationalist songs that extol the armed resistance against Israel were played.
In the Dheisha camp south of Bethlehem, a procession was held with the participation of thousands to honor the memory of the terrorist.
In eastern Jerusalem, Palestinian Arab youths launched fireworks which they aimed toward Israeli security forces.
In Jenin, thousands gathered in the city square, headed by armed members of terrorist organizations. In a video clip from the event, the audience can be heard chanting slogans in support of jihad, self-sacrifice and the murder of Israelis.
"Jihad is our path and death in the way of Allah is the pinnacle of our hope, O Muslim, call out: Allahu Akbar and smash the head of the Zionist," shouted the crowd.