A conflict is forming between Zionist Spirit Chairperson Ayelet Shaked and the party's number-two figure, Yoaz Hendel over the placement of the party's list for the upcoming Knesset elections.
According to a report by Channel 13 News Shaked wishes to place Jewish Home chairman, Yossi Brodny, in third, in an attempt to bring religious Zionist voters. Hendel opposes the move since it will push his partner Zvi Hauser and Amitai Porat, the religious Zionist representative who already holds the party's third place, to lower spots on the list.
One group that supports the move are members of the Likud, who assume that if Shaked will pass the electoral threshold, Brodny will support joining a Netanyhu-led coalition.
According to estimates, the disagreement will not cause the party to spilt.