Guatemalan Congressional Israel Allies Caucus
Guatemalan Congressional Israel Allies Caucusno credit

The Congress of Guatemala will be hosting an event to present a new book in Spanish titled “Friendship Documents'' which showcases the relevant documents describing the development of diplomatic ties between Guatemala and Israel. It includes pro-Israel resolutions and declarations issued by the Guatemalan Congressional Israel Allies Caucus since their inception in 2017 and the crowning achievement of the transferring of the Guatemalan embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Speakers at the event will include Minister of Foreign Affairs Mario Bucaro, President of the Congress Deputy Shirley Rivera and Chairman of the Israel Allies Caucus in Guatemala Deputy Fidel Reyes Lee and Israel Allies Foundation President, Josh Reinstein.

“Guatemala once again demonstrates its commitment and support for the nation of Israel, in coordination with the Israel Allies Foundation, promoting the bonds of brotherhood between both nations” said Minister Bucaro.

"As Chairman of the Israel Allies Caucus in Guatemala, I want to send a message of support to the State of Israel. We are celebrating the 5th anniversary of the historic moment when a group of Deputies in coordination with the Israel Allies Foundation signed the ‘Declaration of Solidarity and Friendship with the State of Israel’ and formed the first Israel Allies Caucus in the Guatemalan Congress” explained Deputy Fidel Reyes Lee.

Other speakers will include Consul of the State of Israel to Guatemala Annaelle Bensoussan, President of the Jewish Community in Guatemala Rebeca Permuth and Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) Latin America Director Leopoldo Martinez.

"This monumental book highlights the deep and special diplomatic relations between Guatemala and Israel. The Israel Allies Foundation is honored and proud to be part of this great story between these two countries, working in coordination with legislators whose support for Israel stems from their Judeo-Christian values", said Martinez.

“The achievements of the Guatemalan Congressional Israel Allies Caucus demonstrate the importance of faith-based diplomacy. This dedicated group of legislators serve as inspiring role models for the global IAF network on how to effectively translate their faith into concrete political action” said IAF President Josh Reinstein.