Hundreds of people on Friday participated in a march of support for a Jewish man who was arrested after defending a group of children from an Arab rioter, the man is suspected of killing the Arab.
The incident took place 10 days ago, when the suspect, who has no criminal record, was arrested Wednesday afternoon last week, after he arrived at the Ariel police station to file a complaint about the riot and attempted lynch.
The man is in his 40s and married.
The march is titled, "Free the hero who saved the children," and the marchers followed the same path that the man took with the boys after they were attacked by Arab rioters, with marchers walking from the fence around Ariel to the place where the Arabs attacked the children.
Initially, the Samaria Brigade refused to approve the march, but after a discussion that lasted several hours, the commanders agreed to secure the Jewish protesters.
Flyers announcing the march read, "Last week, a few meters from the fence of the city of Ariel, dozens of rioters attacked a group of children and tried to lynch them. The goal of the Arab rioters was to instill fear and push us, the Jews, from the open areas into the fences of the towns. Instead of arresting the rioters, Shabak (Israel Security Agency) decided to arrest the heroic Jew who saved the children's lives."
"We will march in security, with courage, and with our heads held high, and we will call for the release of the hero who saved the children."