Knesset plenum
Knesset plenumNoam Moshkovitz - Knesset spokesman

At noon today (Wednesday), the Knesset approved its first reading of the 24th Knesset Disbandment Bill submitted by MK Yoav Kish of the Likud.

74 MKs voted in favor of the measure against just five objectors. The proposal will now move to the Knesset committee, which will continue to deal with it in its second and third readings.

Coalition and Opposition lawmakers had previously reached an agreement on state funding for political campaigns during the upcoming election, increasing the funding per MK from NIS 1.4 million to NIS 1.66 million, amounting to a total of extra 30 million shekels, raising the total to NIS 200 million.

The Coalition and Opposition parties narrowed the possible election dates down to October 25 and November 1. The final choice will be made while the bill is being prepared for its second and third readings.

The sides also agreed that a proposal to ban an individual under indictment from becoming prime minister, a measure aimed at barring Opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from forming a new government, will not be put to a vote during the current session.

The explanatory memorandum to the proposal reads: "Due to hosting five elections [in three years], political parties face considerable difficulty in managing public resources allocated to them by law. These resources are intended for the use of parties for longer periods of time in-between elections, and therefore Knesset factions will be given larger sums in return for their financing common expenses."