MK Miki Zohar (Likud) on Wednesday morning discussed the efforts to form an alternative government within the current Knesset and prevent the Knesset's dissolution.
The bill to dissolve the Knesset passed its preliminary reading on Wednesday morning.
In an interview with Reshet Bet, Zohar said, "Some Yamina members understand that their political fate is nearing its end, and so they want to keep the current Knesset alive, with a different coalition. [Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett is alone in his opinion among Yamina MKs when it comes to dissolving the Knesset."
Regarding Otzma Yehudit chair MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, Zohar said he could be a minister in a Likud government, explaining, "He definitely can be a part of a future government. He has developed pragmatism and responsibility. He has matured."
When asked about Yamina MKs Idit Silman and Amichai Chikli, who contributed to the fall of the government, Zohar said, "There is no doubt that we cannot ignore the people who followed their ideology... They need to continue to be part of the Israeli public."