Yesterday (Thursday), an assessment forum was held to analyze Operation "Break the Wave" as well as to present the learning process and insights gained from the IDF "Chariots of Fire" large-scale month-long exercise.
The conference, held at the “Palmachim” Air Force Base, and led by the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Aviv Kohavi. Participating in the conference were members of the General Staff Forum and commanders from all the IDF branches, corps and directorates, including battalion, squadron and flotilla commanders.
As part of the forum, lessons learned during Operation “Break the Wave” were presented. A discussion regarding the General Staff Forum’s learning processes from the "Chariots of Fire" exercise also took place based on various task force groups and an analysis of all branches, commands and divisions.
During the first session of the forum, the Head of the Operations Division, BG Yaron Finkelman, and the Head of the Intelligence Research Division, BG Amit Saar, reviewed the current state of the IDF’s operational and intelligence capabilities.
The Commanding Officer of the Central Command, MG Yehuda Fuchs, and the Commanding Officer of the Judea and Samaria Regional Division, BG Avi Bluth, presented the IDF's main activities and insights drawn during Operation "Break the Wave". Commanders of the Judea and Samaria divisional brigades then reviewed the operational developments and their effects on the ongoing activity throughout the region.
The second session focused on the "Chariots of Fire'' exercise, in which the Head of the Doctrine and Instruction Division, BG Gal Shohami, presented the General Staff Forum’s learning processes throughout the “Chariots of Fire” month-long exercise. This was followed by a briefing by the Head of the Operations Brigade, BG Yaron Finkelman, which focused on the main challenges that arose throughout the entire month and the operational responses that were extensively practiced in the various sectors. The main insights and learning processes of all commands, branches and directorates were also presented.
The goal of the assessment was to implement and execute operational examinations as well as hold a commanders' discussion to improve the IDF's readiness for potential escalations in various sectors.
The examination, analysis and implementation of lessons learned from the "Chariots of Fire" exercise will continue, and will provide IDF units with the ability to improve operational readiness for the upcoming scenarios over the next months.
Chief of the General Staff, LTG Aviv Kohavi:
"We are gathered here to summarize an extensive period centered on Operation “Break the Wave" and the “Chariots of Fire” month-long exercise. Our main goal is to prevent terrorist attacks and restore security to the civilians of Israel. Significant achievements were made regarding the IDF’s defensive capabilities, the reinforcement of the Judea and Samaria security barrier, intelligence efforts and the ongoing counterterrorism activity in every town, city or street, carried out with no restrictions or constraints."
"We are also operating in the 'campaign between the wars', conducting defensive actions in every arena while maintaining stability in the Gaza Strip."
We are summarizing the "Chariots of Fire '', "Beyond the Horizon" and additional divisional exercises, as well as an altogether strenuous month for the first time. This month led the IDF to be more prepared, capable, fine-tuned and competent. Throughout the month I visited various units and saw initiative, comprehension, commitment to the mission and an operational approach down to the finest details. I witnessed cooperative processes and sensible decision making, for which I express my great appreciation."
"As a result of the continuous and high-quality work carried by you and your soldiers, we managed to thwart various attacks. This was done through broad defensive efforts and the deployment of forces throughout the Judea and Samaria security barrier area, thanks to precise intelligence. This is the goal of the IDF, an operational and professional military that continuously evaluates the implementation of its mission: A military that defends the State of Israel."
"Throughout the exercise, we noticed substantial cooperation between the branches and the IDF as a whole. We have an extended list of the lessons that were learned, which will all be applied. However, it can already be noted that this meaningful exercise, as well as its preparations, lead the IDF to a heightened level of operational readiness. Well done."