Kudos to former State Assemblyman, Dov Hikind, (D-NY) for standing up for his principles and blasting NYC Mayor De Blasio for endorsing Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nomination. 

Mayor Bill recently joined Jew/Israel haters such as Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and Palestinian/American, anti-Israel activist, Linda Sarsour, in support of the avowed Socialist running for our highest office. Dov is right: Shame on all of them. Call it what you will: "The gang's all here," or, "Birds of a feather, flock together." What a sad conglomeration of individuals.

As New Yorkers and Jews, why should we be so concerned with our Mayor joining in? New York, De Blasio's own city, one whose citizens he's sworn to protect, is in the midst of a rash of unprecedented Jew hating violence that has frightened Jews in their own neighborhoods to the point of them being told to avoid wearing articles of clothing or other identification labeling them as Jews.

The group he's now aligned with, those he will be standing next to, those whose hands he will be holding,  on Bernie's campaign trail are stokers of this violence against Jews with their vile rhetoric and beliefs.

Omar calls out American Jews for having dual loyalties and bribing politicians with "Benjamins." Right out of the playbook of Josef Goebbels and the Nazi Holocaust campaign. Then there's Tlaib, who supports the BDS movement and denies the Holocaust. Both of them have been denied entry into Israel for their desire to incite terror against Israelis.

We must ask ourselves, just why all of these anti-Semites have flocked behind this candidate, a token Jew, and have given him the support among their followers to be the next president? And why is he a magnet for them? What do they see in him that makes him so attractive to their cause....the destruction of Israel?

That is the question that DeBlasio must answer. He is aligning himself with the most extreme candidate of the party. As the current elected Mayor of our great city, he should be the architect of a plan of action to fight anti-Semitism. Instead, he's now contributing to the problem by joining forces with and using his prestigious position to support this lodestone of hate. An embarrassment to us all.