Instead, Arafat was invited on several occasions to visit as an honored guest of the White House, and in kind, the Israelis pretended that a viable peace option was still somehow extant.
It was the height of deception. Or insanity.
After Arafat died, he was replaced by a deputy who remained true to the “impending total collapse of Israel.” It was an admission made frequently, and always in Arabic, by Mahmoud Abbas – the benefactor of the diplomatic war against Israel. Its formula was rather simple: Murder innocent Jews, as many as possible, and wait for the Western world to offer to pay you to stop. Cease fire, and start the killing again, when you want even further concessions from those who you murder, in order to bring the next cease fire. Why have a war when the peace process bears riper fruits?
This week, it was announced by the Palestinian Authority, and substantiated by the Israeli government, that Israel would be transferring $1.5 billion shekels (that’s $430 million) to the PA to help with its financial crisis. Why a crisis? Because Israel, in a hollow gesture of national responsibility to the citizens it protects, announced in February that it would hold back monies (mostly tax-generated) that are normally collected for the PA, equal to the amount directed by the PA to subsidize the murder of Jews. Yes. Exactly that. Principled, it seemed until you understood that Israel would willingly transfer the rest of the monies to its declared enemies, those dedicated to destroying Israel (it’s been a couple minutes, so go back and read the opening paragraph).
It is accepted Israeli policy.
This week, Israel – devoid of principles and the ability to understand how this would be viewed in the Muslim world – surrendered. And the Arabs – agreed magnanimously to accept the funds. (Read this again for dramatic effect: they agreed!) Diplomacy works. Not in securing peace, but in feeding the tiger so it might be persuaded to become a vegetarian.
That the Western world, oil thirsty for so many decades (and today fearful of the import of Muslim terrorism to its own lands), would capitulate to this formula of rewarding your enemy as a conciliatory gesture is perhaps understandable. It’s only appeasement, and after all, with occasional exceptions, it was the Jews who were the targets of Islamic savagery. But that Israel would consent to play along and reward its own murderers – well, that defies not only common sense, but one’s sanity as well. Worse – it has become to a great degree, a nationally accepted insanity, delusion, idiocy, lunacy, madness and child-like-expectation.
“Stupidity comes in many forms… the most troubling of all… we might call it ‘institutional stupidity’. It’s a kind of stupidity that’s entirely rational within the framework within which it operates: but the framework itself ranges from grotesque to virtual insanity.”
“Individual stupidity can be remedied, but institutional stupidity is much more resistant to change. At this stage of human society, it truly endangers our survival. That’s why I think institutional stupidity should be a prime concern.”
Chomsky wasn’t opining about Israel. We know that because his quote would have been obvious in calling for Israel’s demise. His observation was about the sanity of man. Or lack of.
Let’s introduce an absurd parallel. In June 1941, Hitler’s Nazi armies attacked Russia in Operation Barbarossa – unaware that the frigid Russian winter would, a few months later, foil that adventurous endeavor. The Nazis, unaware of the brutal cold and fatally ill-equipped, would have to retreat.
Israel is at war. It was a war that was manufactured by its enemies. It might be a war of attrition, but it is a war. Implacable and relentless, the Palestinian Arabs have admitted to those willing to pay attention that they will never accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State. By the way, the word never has the same meaning in Arabic as it does in English. It really means never.
If you do not understand that – that this war is religious and not territorial – you might not be insane, but you do open the door to an institutional insanity that will one day consume you.