Back we go for a moment to what we wrote the other day about how The New York Times changed a front-page headline to appease leftist sensitivities.
Then, in the same piece, we figured, azoy, so that’s it; no wonder that the same paper was also on the wrong side of the Holocaust.
Now we ask – was the Times EVER trustworthy about ANYTHING? How about the rest of the news media?
It’s as if the Times suddenly veered left…and we, journalists like Michael Goodwin, and myself occasionally, discovered something new under the sun.
Which means we forget the false reporting from the Times’ Moscow Bureau Chief, Walter Duranty, during the 1932-33 famine in the Ukraine, in which millions died, owing to Stalin’s tyrannically crazed economic policies. Duranty neglected to mention any of that, or the worst part of that, but he won a Pulitzer Prize anyway.
Because the Times has always been “the paper of record,” and whatever it says, or leaves out, is good as gold.
For the longest time, I was fooled just like everybody else. I was young. I was in training as a journalist, and the Times was the place to learn your craft.
Everybody said so. Who was I to argue against the entire world? Older and a bit wiser – now I can argue.
Because the Times was so straightforward on all other news (or so we thought) we let it slide, how the paper was so harshly anti-Israel from day one.
Israel never got a break, not from its front pages, nor from its opinion pages, except for one op-ed writer, Pasting it together, a pattern emerges, which is that the Times always played favorites to a particular readership and was never to be counted on for the truth. Never!
whose name slips my mind. The rest, like Anthony Lewis, were horrible.
Pasting it together, a pattern emerges, which is that the Times always played favorites to a particular readership and was never to be counted on for the truth. Never!
The paper did not turn partisan overnight. It has been so for 100 years. How does it manage to rank top dog among fellow journalists? Beats me. I am still not that smart.
But I did get smarter during a visit to Israel some time back. This was an awakening. I didn’t know. Truly, I did not know.
I did not know that there was so much bias against Israel from all over. I was there, this time, as a journalist. I was then editor at KYW newsradio in Philadelphia. I shared the bus rides with a surly group throughout the glorious Holy Land. Glorious? Not to them. I came to bless. They came to curse. We did not get along.
Something from Rashi comes to mind, when he explains about the Spies, where Scripture (Numbers; chapter Shelach- 13:24-26) has it sharply something like this – “They went and they came.” I think I’ve got that right, or right enough. So Rashi says – this means, as they went with evil intent, so they returned.
Bad vibes from start to finish.
Precisely so from my adventure with these journalists who came from all over the world, but mostly the United States.
As they arrived in Israel hard-bitten and favorable only to the Arabs, and desired no part of the Jewish point of view, so they reported it back home to their newspapers and TV hookups.
You wonder why the news is so slanted?
Take a trip with them, as I did. I could write a book about it; in fact, I did. Two, matter of fact…this one, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” and even for that one too I got in some late licks right before it went to press. Yes, “Indecent Proposal” is not at all what you think if you do not know it from the bestselling book, (read the Amazon reviews) but only from the movie.
Notes were taken on the bumpy rides. The best and the worst were remembered for future reference at the typewriter. This I learned --
At the pretext of journalism, they go to Israel as spies to send back evil reports, as in Biblical times.
Ditto Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and their pretense to visit Israel for fact-finding. Israel is letting them in, after all. There is no end to Jewish (often self-defeating) hospitality. More proof? More foreign journalists cover Israel on any given day, than cover the rest of the world combined. Combined! Hardly any can be found in the Muslim world. Pretty much zero.
They are nearly all in Israel – up to no good.
Realize this – after gathering all the facts, and then trusting your own wisdom and instincts, we are all journalists. Better us than them.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.
He is the author of the international book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” His Holocaust to Montreal memoir “Escape from Mount Moriah” has been honored from page to screen at CANNES. His Inside Journalism thriller, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” is being prepared for the movies. Contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Website: