A senior Palestinian Authority official is claiming that there is “an Auschwitz in every city in Palestine.” The revelation is shocking—and it’s also timely, since Congresswomen Rashid Tlaib and Ilhan Omar will be able to investigate the situation during their upcoming visit to the Palestinian Authority territories.

When Tlaib and Omar recently announced that they wanted to visit Israel and the PA, it seemed as if their purpose was just to do some old-fashioned Israel-bashing. But now their trip will take on a much more urgent mission: to see all of the Auschwitzes there, and then share their eyewitness testimony with the outside world.

The Auschwitz allegation was leveled by Palestinian official Jibril Rajoub in a July 8 interview with the Kuwaiti television station Sawt Al-Arab. He said that as a result of Israel’s “barbaric and racist” policies, “Auschwitz is here in every city in Palestine.” (Thanks to Palestinian Media Watch for the translation.)

Lest you think Rajoub is some just some run-of-the-mill lunatic, note that he holds a number of senior positions within both the PA and the PLO. To begin with, he is secretary-general of the Central Committee of Fatah, which is the PA’s ruling party (chaired by PA head Mahmoud Abbas). 

But that’s not all: Rajoub is also the head of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, chairman of the Palestinian Football Association, chairman of the Palestine Olympic Committee, and chairman of the Palestinian Scout Association, which are all official PA government agencies.

And what about Congresswoman Tlaib’s own grandmother?
Rajoub’s revelation that there is “an Auschwitz in every city in Palestine” may puzzle some people, because every major Palestinian Arab city (and most minor ones, too) are under the exclusive rule of the PA, not Israel. Everyone knows that Israel pulled all of its troops out of those cities more than twenty years ago, following the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Is Rajoub claiming that the Israelis have been sneaking into Palestinian cities late at night to set up gas chambers, torture rooms, and facilities for medical experiments on humans?

Or is Rajoub accusing his own PA regime of setting up death camps in each of the cities it governs? Are the death camps already in operation?

How are the victims being brought to these new Auschwitzes? Have Israel or the PA been forcibly deporting Palestinian Arabs from various other regions, in cattle cars, to the death camps? 

Surely no one could carry out such mass deportations in this day and age without everyone knowing about. So why hasn’t the New York Times reported on it?

And is Rajoub alleging that either Israel or the PA are causing mass starvation in Palestinian cities, like the Nazis did? How many innocents have already perished as a result? Why isn’t the World Health Organization speaking out on this?

And what about Congresswoman Tlaib’s own grandmother? Mrs. Fatmeh Harbi lives in the village of Beit Ur al-Fauqa, which is ruled by the PA. Is she imprisoned in an Auschwitz in her town? What can be done to rescue her?

Representatives Tlaib and Omar need to get to the bottom of this. They need to take photos of the Palestinian Auschwitzes, see the gas chambers, skeletons, piles of shoes and gold fillings, speak directly with the inmates to hear all about the torture, starvation, and mass murder, and reveal who is carrying out this genocide.

The world anxiously awaits their report.

Moshe Phillips is national director of Herut North America’s U.S. division; Herut is an international movement for Zionist pride and education and is dedicated to the ideals of pre-World War Two Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Herut's website is https://herutna.org/