Not hate, stupid! It’s war on religions! The art of cover-up
Not hate, stupid! It’s war on religions! The art of cover-up

What is difficult to admit? The newest attack on a house of worship is not the latest hate crime; it’s the latest act of war. In four lands far apart for two months close together, three faiths were targeted and some nine hundred martyrs despatched – to heaven or to hospital.

In New Zealand the victims were Muslim, in Sri-Lanka they were Christian, in California Jewish, whilst in France Catholic edifices bore the brunt. Bring in North Africa and the Middle East and what don’t people get about the major faiths engulfed in undeclared war?

Islam is at war and in it, Christianity and Judaism are only in the war, because when last did an unprovoked Christian or Jew kill for their faith?  
Islam is at war and in it, Christianity and Judaism are only in the war, because when last did an unprovoked Christian or Jew kill for their faith?  

It is there to see, for all who want to. How incomprehensible that many don’t. They’ve been diverted, evilly, by ‘hate crimes.’ Leaders and thought-shapers have interpreted events on our behalf. Killers, we’re told, act from hearts full of hate. Each attack is agonized over as one more stand-alone crazed atrocity. From family background, social media posts, psycho state or declarations of intent and motive, the media announces, with a blast that causes fits of fury, why the crazy did it – only if he happened to be white and male and a supremacist or a raving anti-Semite.

But not when Islamists perpetrated the crime. No, oh, no! Then explanations become redundant. Then media and governments turn dumber than mice. Terrorists did it. Enough said. Far Right or far Left is immaterial when Muslims did the deed. Religious motive is locked away from prying eyes and prickly ears.     

Enter the jostlers for political space. For the media they wring hands; they Tweet inspirational statements of sympathy and unity....By no means merely for an image-boost and two minutes of fame. Quite the contrary! This is the way the narrative gets embedded: “It’s hate, not religion, stupid!”

And here’s the way it’s done.

Barak Obama – “The attacks ...on Easter Worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity.” Or, “We grieve for the Muslim community (of Christchurch).”

Hilary Clinton – “On this holy weekend for many faiths, Easter worshippers and travel victims...”      

ADL CEO, Greenblatt – “…to deal once and for all with this hate…our leaders need to stand united and address it on social media and in our communities.”

Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit of the World Council of Churches (WCC) – “People have the right to gather at places of worship in peace. Violence ...whatever the motive: These murderous assaults on people as they gather for prayer hurt us all.”

Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio: “.... deeply saddened about another hate crime in America.

Observe the rules of combat, the statutes and commandments, these war-deniers hand us down:

  • Thou shall not identify Christians as victims
  • Though shall not identify Muslims as attackers
  • Thou must  identify Muslims when attacked
  • Though shall not make Christians out of Christians. Some are “Worshippers of Easter”, others are “Travellers” who travel to worship Easter.   
  • Even a Christian shall not identify victims as Christian. Thou shalt call them, “People gathered for prayer.”
  • Take this commandment we give you: American Jews are attacked by anti-Semites, Israeli Jews are attacked by militants.   
  • Hate crimes hurt humanity; hate crimes hurt us all. Thou shalt not ask if hurting humanity means something. Nor shalt thou ask if such nondescript victims really exist.

How are the nay-sayers and the sooth-sayers that jostle to get into the media evil? Why are they maybe as evil as the gunners and the bombers that committed the hate crimes? There’re  important question because even such a degree of tom-foolery can be well-meant. By calling the attacks hate crimes instead of war crimes the liars may have a mind to dispel fears and avoid panic. If so the lying is for a good cause.

Is it all for our own good? Surely not! Why would Obama, and co refrain from naming victims as Christian, yet rush to name victims as Muslim? Why quick off the mark to identify a synagogue attacker as a white racist, yet be consumed by shyness to identify the Muslim identity of attackers?

Surely there can be just two possible reasons?

One is that the Obama and Clinton types are cowardly. They’re scared stiff of a certain smear, a smear that can send even the brave scuppering for cover. “Islamaphobic” has become the badge of dishonour no public persona wants to have pinned on him. Our thought-shaping deniers are loath to call a spade a spade because of that damning epithet, Islamaphobia.  

What is the only other explanation?

Well, this one is uglier than cowardice. Ideology is not a pretty thing. When the ICC Christian body won’t call their martyred flock ‘Christian’ what could be uglier! What kind of Christians refer to fellow believers as indistinct “people who gather for prayer?”      

The ADL is a Jewish variant. It will admit the Jewish identity of ‘hate crime’ victims; there’ll be no shyness to announce that it happened in a synagogue, not a ‘place of worship;’ it will call out – even proudly – that anti-Semitism caused the attack. But there honesty stops and stupidity begins. The ADL calls on leaders to stand united? Who stops to ask how standing united, or even separate, can stop anti-Semitic attacks? Take to social media? Well, the killer took to social media and look what happened.

This is not a fool of an ADL spokesman speaking.  It’s a guy with a headful of trendy nonsense. It’s an oxygen thief who hobnobs with anti-Semitic sisters of brothers-in-arms.

Meet the two faces of evil: the murdering artist and the cover-up artist. Stricter gun control or not, the first evil would have a harder job killing without the second evil obscuring the nature of evil no.1. ‘It’s all about hate, stupid! ‘A war on religions – ha, ha!

Having to call a spade a rake demoralizes a society. But it also works for the Devil himself. What do we call a lie with an existential sneer on its face? We call it ideology.