Part I: Humanize Palestine - Creative Narratives, Concealed Identities
Palestinian activism on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH) has existed for many years and is similar to what is found on many campuses in the academic community. This is evident when reading Cynthia Franklin’s bio page on the university’s website.
Cynthia Franklin, PhD, is a faculty member of the Department of English. She is on the Steering Committee for the Organizing Collective of USACBI, the US Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. She founded UH Faculty and Students for Justice in Palestine, and co-founded the Hawaii Coalition for Justice in Palestine (HCJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawaii.
It is the advocacy at the UH that is concerning, advocacy that suggests a nexus with Palestinian terror organizations.
An activist is a person who acts to bring about social or political change. An advocate is a person who speaks on behalf of another person or group, pleads the cause of another. It is the advocacy at the UH that is concerning, advocacy that suggests a nexus with Palestinian terror organizations.
An internet search reveals the tools that are essential for a successful advocacy campaign. They are: Website, Social Media, Events, Electronic Media.
The electronic media platform provides a large far reaching audience for an advocacy campaign, the message is broadcast quickly and the message can contain all the detail necessary to win over an audience.
Social media, Facebook, as an advocacy tool, allows for the advertising of upcoming events and the mobilization of supporters.
Websites/blogs are important for reaching supporters who don’t use social media, giving a “face” to an advocacy campaign, linking to other sites that support the advocacy campaign and providing long-term information that is downloadable.
Events demonstrate the strength and support of an advocacy campaign, and raise awareness of the issues of the campaign. The on-line tools mentioned above are used to promote the events and spread the message beyond the original attendees of the events.
This is what the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s advocacy campaign may look like:
The questions that need to be addressed are as follows: 1) Is the advocacy campaign at the University of Hawaii at Manoa “independent advocacy”, or does it provide a “service” for a Palestinian terror organization(s)? 2) Is the classroom teaching consistent with the definition of pedagogical indoctrination?
1) Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 561 U.S. 1 (2010), is a U.S. Supreme Court case, a 6-3 opinion, decided June 21, 2010. The decision concerned the Patriot Act, a statute that prohibits material support to Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).
The USA Patriot Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, makes it unlawful in the United States for any person who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States anywhere, to knowingly provide material support to an FTO that has been so designated by the U.S. Secretary of State. There are four types of support: training, expert advice or assistance, service and personnel. The statute prohibits providing a service for an FTO. A service means the performance of work presided over or paid for by another, presided over or paid for by an FTO.
The Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project ruling established for the first time that any support, including peaceful support, is illegal because it would free up the FTO’s resources which would allow it to more fully engage in terror and violence. In addition, the support has the potential to add legitimacy to the FTO. Advocacy for an FTO at the direction of or in cooperation with the FTO, is a crime pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §2339B.
The Supreme Court ruling, Holder v. The Humanitarian Law Project, also addressed advocacy on behalf of an FTO. Advocacy for an FTO, “independent advocacy”, it ruled, is not prohibited by the statute because it is not a service.
This series of essays will explore the issue of Palestinian advocacy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Do the facts support what the Supreme Court described as legal “independent advocacy” or do they reveal or suggest that a service was rendered to a Palestinian FTO? Was it material support of a Foreign Terrorist Organization or Palestinian activists engaged in legal independent advocacy?
2) The French philosopher, Oliver Reboul, presented 13 situations of teaching-related indoctrination in his 1977 book, L’endoctrinement, counterfeit facts in order to emphasize a certain doctrine, was one of them. Did this occur in a University of Hawaii classroom?
“Life in Occupied Palestine: A Special Issue of Biography”, Biography, volume 37, number 2, spring 2014, was edited by Cynthia Franklin, Morgan Cooper and Ibrahim G. Aoude. Prof. Franklin and Prof. Aoude are faculty members, Department of English, and Morgan Cooper had been one of their students, she is currently living in Ramallah. The Biography issue was designated a “key text” for a 2017 course taught by Prof. Franklin.
Wikipedia states that the journal Biography is an international academic journal, an interdisciplinary quarterly, that provides a forum for biographical scholarship. Volume 37, Number 2, was co-sponsored by the University of Hawaii (UH) Center for Biographical Research, the UH English Department, the UH Ethnic Studies Department, and the University of Hawaii. It was published by the University of Hawaii Press.
The website Palestinian Lives ( was created by Franklin, Cooper and Aoude to promote the issue of Biography they co-edited, Life in Occupied Palestine. They also created a Facebook page to promote the journal issue of Biography they co-edited.
On June 16, 2015, Cynthia Franklin, PhD addressed an audience via Skype at the Centre for Political and Development Studies in Gaza. The Centre was holding a special Event , a book launch for the journal edition she co-edited, “Life in Occupied Palestine: A Special Issue of Biography”.
In her address, Prof. Franklin quoted Ali Abunimah, one of the co-founders of the online publication, Electronic Intifada and author of The Battle for Justice in Palestine:
“the battle for justice in Palestine is and has always been, first and foremost, a battle of ideas”.
She also pointed out that the “Zionist narrative” in the battle of ideas is sustained by “Hasbara”, or Israeli propaganda.
Dr. Franklin further stated:
“in this battle of ideas, there are material consequences to how individual lives and deaths are represented, or not represented.”
Humanize Palestine, a website linked to and cited in the introduction of “Life in Occupied Palestine: A Special Issue of Biography”, specialized in representing how individual Palestinian lives and deaths were represented or not represented. It accomplished this by utilizing a picture gallery format consisting of nuanced photographs, each of which was linked to a short ‘creative’ narrative. These photos and life writing narratives/texts were presented to students participating in a course at the UH taught by Prof. Franklin. The 2014 “web-based project”, Humanize Palestine was designated a “key text” for Section 1 of the 2017 course. The GazaNames Project was also designated a “key text”.
The Seminar
The University of Hawaii English Department offered the following course in the 2017 Spring Semester, ENG 764(1). Enrollment was limited to graduate students in the M.A. program: “Seminar in Life Writing: Human Lives, Uncivil States”. It was taught by Cynthia Franklin, PhD.
As Dr. Franklin explains, her course was divided into 4 sections, this is her description of Section 1:
"Then, in Section 1 we will consider how Israel’s human rights abuses against Palestinians, and US support for them, depend upon casting Palestinians either as terrorists or as non-existent, and we will read life narratives coming out of the US and Palestine/Israel that counter this dehumanization. Key texts for this section are My Name Is Rachel Corrie (play); the special 2014 issue of Biography, “Life in Occupied Palestine”; the 2014 web-based projects Humanize Palestine, The Gaza Names Project, and We Are Not Numbers;
Dr. Franklin stated that Palestinians are dehumanized, falsely represented as either terrorists or as non-existent. She continues by stating that her course will present life writing narratives that counter this false dehumanization process that casts Palestinians as terrorists. Students, presumably, will find these life writing narratives in the ‘key texts’, Biography, Volume 37, Number 2, the journal she co-edited, and on-line at the websites Humanize Palestine and the GazaNames Project.
Humanize Palestine
In 2017, the Humanize Palestine website displayed pictures of dead Palestinians whose deaths were attributed to some nefarious act related to the Israeli government. The webpage utilized a photo gallery format, there was a gallery for 2015 consisting of 25 photos, 2014, 238 photos, and 2013, 1 photo. Each photo had an embedded URL link that when accessed presented a short narrative about the life and/or death of the individual.
The Humanize Palestine website had three additional internet sites to display the same content but in different formats. There is a Facebook page, a Twitter page and a website that contains a Humanize Palestine Booklet.
Pictured below is the Humanize Palestine website as it appeared on the internet in 2017. At that time, the website was archived and the images below were generated from the archived file. The website was deactivated later in 2017, about two weeks after the University of Hawaii (UH) Chancellor became aware of a nexus that consisted of University of Hawaii content, Palestinian terrorism and the Humanize Palestine website below. The Booklet website, Facebook and Twitter pages are still active.
This is what the website looked like in 2017:
Reproduced below is the Humanize Palestine ABOUT statement appearing on their webpage above:
"Humanize Palestine attempts to honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry. Humanize Palestine reminds us, that contrary to Western bias, a Palestinian life is no less valuable than the life of another, by giving the life the respect and dignity that it deserves."
As previously stated, each picture in a gallery had an embedded URL link that opened a webpage displaying a narrative for the individual(s) in the picture. These are the narratives Humanize Palestine uses to “… honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art and poetry”. These are the life writing narratives/texts presumably seen by the seminar students.
Not seen by the students were the narratives and pictures of the same individuals taken from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website and other similar terrorist websites and sources. We know this because Dr. Franklin stated that U.S. support for Israel’s human rights abuses depends on casting Palestinians as terrorists and that she will present life writing narratives that counter this.
An investigation of the 2014 photo gallery was undertaken so that each individual could be positively identified. The 2014 photo gallery was selected for analysis because it contained the largest number of photographs. Each of the 236 pictures from the 2014 photo gallery was analyzed and identified. A preliminary statistical analysis reveals that 62 photos in the gallery were Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives (26%), 27 were Palestinian Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades operatives (11%), 13 were al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades operatives (6%). A more detailed analysis of the deceased Palestinians in the 2014 Humanize Palestine photo gallery will be presented at the end of this section.
Creative Narratives, Concealed Identities
The Humanize Palestine life writing narrative/text is presented first below. This is followed by a narrative that identifies the individual as a terrorist and identifies the terrorist’s affiliation.
1. Qassem Talal Hamdan
On Humanize Palestine
Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23 years old, was killed on July 13, 2014 in Beit Hanoun. Qassem was studying Engineering. His dream was to be a successful engineer to build and develop his country.
On Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Webpage (translated from Arabic)
Among the soldiers of the Glory
In 2009, the real launch of the Martyr's work was within the ranks of the al-Qassam Brigades, since, after trying to deliver many letters and books to the al-Qassam leadership, he asked to join the ranks of its soldiers, and with great urgency and determination, she found no leadership in the al-Qassam Brigades but met his request to join To the ranks of its soldiers, and its beginning in the ranks of the Qassam was honest beginnings, during which he worked sincerely and sincerely, he always spearheaded the first ranks in the fight against the Zionist offensive as he was racing with his brothers in the jihadist work and Rabat for the sake of God.
He was keen on Rabat for the sake of God on a regular and semi-daily basis, he did not know to sleep until he ascertained that the situation in the town is safe and there are no movements of Zionist perfidy forces, he was a fighter yes.
He has participated in many military disciplines and capabilities, and along with his composure for the sake of God, and the planting of rockets and equipping them for the next battles, the Mujahid joined the artillery unit of the Beit Hanoun battalion to become one of its members, God willing, rockets on the Zionist usurpers, was firing lava His rockets to be made by the enemy will these rockets as well as the mortar shells that have hurt the enemy woe.
His most prominent jihadist actions are Rabat on the border of the city of Beit Hanoun, and participation in numerous mortar and rocket launches on Zionist usurpers.
The moment of farewell
On the date of 13/7/2014, where it was on the date of separation for this fleeting world and the transition committee of immortality and survival, and on this day after the preparation of the illusion of two prayers to God Almighty, and his launch to equip the rocket launcher to launch on the usurper entity, and at these moments spotted by treacherous aircraft The Zionist reconnaissance aircraft, and fired its first missile Venge from him, and then fired by the second missile, wounding him from fragments of the missile in the neck and chest, Vaqrqt his soul to join the ranks of the martyrs and prophet
2. Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada
On Humanize Palestine
Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada, 26 years old, was killed in an Israeli attack on eastern Khan Younis on July 18, 2014. He is seen above with his baby boy.
On Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Webpage (translated from Arabic)
The jurisprudence of Muhammad and his duties in life and made on its priorities Jihad for the sake of God, and the liberation of sanctities and homelands, he decided to join the ranks of resistance with the flower of his youth, succeeded in achieving hope and began to work silently silence the eyes of the closest people to him and his parents.
In riding the call and jihad
He joined the Qassam Brigades in 2006, and he became involved after passing several military courses in which he showed his military readiness and in the interest of jihad in the field. In view of this, he was joined to the martyrdom unit in 2007. He was stationed at advanced positions. For armor.
He then moved from the martyrdom unit to one of the combat units and specialized in infantry, and as usual he was distinguished everywhere he was.
3. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid Elzowidi
4. Mohammad Khalid Jamil Elzowidi
On Humanize Palestine
On Saturday, July 19, 2014, Israeli airstrikes and indiscriminate bombings hit the home of the Elzowidi family, in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, and killed five members of the Elzowidi family:
- Angam Elzowidi, 2 years old
- Roaya Elzowidi, 6 years old
- Dalia Abdel Hamid Elzowidi, 37 years old
- Mahmoud Abdel Hamid Elzowidi, 23 years old
- Mohammad Khalid Jamil Elzowidi, 20 years old
Pictured: Mahmoud Elzowidi (Left) and Mohammad Elzowidi (Right)
Abir Elzowidi, a cousin of the Elzowidi painfully describes the Elzowidi family’s final moments:
“A few days ago, five members of my family—including two small children 2 and 6 years old—were killed in their homes in that village of Beit Hanoun in Gaza, while baking their bread for the day wishing to share it together praying to God to spend one more day with each other while they watching Israel randomly bombing neighbors. Israel give them what they wished for! But sadly dead and buried next to each other. One child, a five-year old boy with special needs, lies injured in the hospital and has been left orphaned. The bread that they baked left soaking wet in their blood and my family kept picking up the hair and scalp and the little bodies of the two girls that was found in pieces. Now several other family members have been forced to leave their homes, and others watched their homes destroyed with this evil bombs and are homeless for the second time in their life after the 1948 “Nakba,” including my 2 grandmother Fatimah, 93 year-old and Aisha 84 years old. Why [do] they do this? What crime did my people commit for Israel to kill them?”
On Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (translated from Arabic)
In commemoration of the heroic martyrs, a delegation from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Palestine, "Martyr Brigade Nidal Al-Amoudi" visited the home of the martyrs of the family of “Zweidi".
In the era of the martyrs, we will crush the occupiers and shake down their pillars, our heroic martyrs, peace be upon those who sacrificed their lives and redeemed Palestine with their pure blood, to our heroic Palestinian people, saluting the highest champions of the championship and offering the martyred martyr to spend the reign of our loyal leaders. A long struggle with their blood to revive dignity.
5. Hashem Khader Abu Maria
On Humanize Palestine
Hashem Khader Abu Maria, 45 years old, staff member and Human Rights Defender of the Defense for Children International-Palestine, was killed today, Friday July 25, 2014, by Israeli forces while peacefully participating in a solidarity march with Gaza. He was among three Palestinians who were shot and killed today in the West Bank village of Beit Ummar.
“Hashem served as the coordinator of DCI-Palestine’s community mobilization unit, promoting constructive child participation throughout the occupied Palestinian territory. His most recent work focused on Palestinian teens monitoring and documenting child rights violations in Hebron. He is survived by his wife Samira, his son Ayham, 11, and his two daughters, Siba, 6, and Majdal, 13.” via DCI-Palestine
On Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (translated from Arabic)
Hebron - Media Office - West Bank Branch
Statement of the obituary commander of the fighter
People mourn their companion martyr martyr Hashim Khader Abu Maria
On behalf of the the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), The martyr is the martyr Khader Abu Maria, 47, who died on Friday afternoon while performing his national role during the clashes that erupted ….
The people praised the commander of the Front and the national struggle since his youth and was arrested several times. He was a model of the hard fighter ….
"To join the martyrs of the martyrs, and to paint the path of Palestine with blood and sacrifices.”
The Front promised the Comrade Commander and all martyrs to continue on their way, stressing at the same time that the battle of resistance in all parts of Palestine will continue until victory in Palestine all Palestine.
Glory to the martyrs and victory of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
6. Abdullah Awni al-Farra
On Humanize Palestine
Abdullah Awni al-Farra, 25 y/o, killed on 7/22/15 by #Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis. #Gaza …
On Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem (translated from Arabic)
The group describes violence against Jews as a religious obligation that brings its perpetrators closer to God
The Salafist Jihadist
The Council of Shura_Majjahideen
Rise of the Mujahid Hero: Abdullah Awni Al-Farra in the first row to confront the Jews
Video of the martyrdom of the martyr Abdullah Awni Al-Farra, one of the martyrs of the jihadist current in the recent Gaza war
7. Abdelrahman al-Zamli
On Humanize Palestine
Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22 years old, was killed on July 9, 2014 in Rafah. He played football for Al Zaytoon FC, and he had plans to get married after Eid to his fiancé, shown above saying goodbye to him.
On Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Webpage (translated from Arabic)
Abdel Rahman joined the ranks of the Brigades in 2010 to be one of the men of the tunnels….
Abdul Rahman participated in the work of jihad, most notably planting explosives at the site of Karam Abu Salem ….[a border crossing] … as well as the firing of 107 rockets ….
But he chose to reassure his brothers Mujahideen and went to them and found them were martyred and before reaching the eye of the tunnel was martyred by gas to move to Ala Allah
8. Shadi Abd al-Kareem Farwana
On Humanize Palestine
Shadi was the Beneficiaries Coordinator for Khan Younis under Global Communities’ partnership with the World Food Program. He was known for his dedication to the humanitarian cause.
On Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (translated from Arabic)
Special Media Office /// Khan Younis Al Samoud
The leadership of the Al-Aqsa brigades - Palestine, the Brigade of the Martyr Commander Nidal Al-Amoudi, the military arm of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah), participated Saturday evening in a memorial ceremony
The martyr commander "Shadi Abdel Rahman Farwana”
9. Mohammed Tayseer Yousef Shorab
On Humanize Palestine
Mohammed Tayseer Yousef Shorab, 22 years old, was killed on Wednesday July 16, 2014 when an Israeli drone fired a missile at him while he was returning to his house in the Gizan Abu Rashwan area south west of Khan Younis.
On Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Webpage (translated from Arabic)
On Time
As was required of him, the martyr Tayseer carried out his mission, he was keen on it and dedication in it as well.
Our martyr was assigned a mission in his area and during the performance of his mission was targeted by aircraft treachery Mujahid Abu Abdul Rahman to the sky, and his soul rose in the depths of our custody and promise that victory is imminent, God willing.
10. Mohammed Abu Louz
On Humanize Palestine
In Memory: Mohammed Abu LouzMohammed Abu Louz, 22 years old, was killed on July 28, 2014, the day of Eid, in an Israeli attack on Jabaliya. His murder was one of the first in which Israel broke the ceasefire Palestinians had ...
On Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Website (translated from Arabic)
Field Commander Mohammed Shehadeh Abdullah Luz
He was martyred on the day of Eid 28/7/2004 in a confrontation with the enemy where he was above the roof of a house and with a military weapon called the average "perks", was snatching the occupiers Jews and ask God to have thickened them and killed them, God willing, and then was fired a shell was A direct injury and his soul sprang.
11. Mohammad Ibrahim Elzowidi
On Humanize Palestine
Mohammad Ibrahim Elzowidi, 30 years old, was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Beit Hanoun on July 19, 2014.
On Izz al-Din al-AQassam Brigades Webpage (translated from Arabic)
Field Commander Elzowidi
His jihadist life
Our martyrs took part in the ranks of Al-Izz and Al-Qassam brigades in 2003, and our martyrs received several advanced military courses, so that they would be included in the battalions until he arrived to be one of the leaders.
11, Suleiman Mohammad Ma’rouf
Humanize Palestine
Suleiman Mohammad Ma’rouf was killed on August 3, 2014 in Beit Lahia
On Al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad Website (translated from Arabic)
due to his commitment, courage and secrecy, he was organized to become a soldier of Al-Quds Brigades where his brothers in Rabat participated on the Thugore and was the emir of a group of Almoravids Al-Harbi in the area of Zarqa was commissioned by the Saraya leadership to be the security man in his area to follow the movements of customers and suspects to inform the Mujahideen brothers in the event of any suspicious movements in the area.
Departure to Heavens
On 4/8/2014, at midnight, the Zionist reconnaissance aircraft targeted our martyr Mujahid, "Suleiman Mohammed Maarouf," near the Tawhid Mosque in the town of Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, and he was elevated with companions
12. Walid Suleiman Salem Abu Daher
ON Humanize Palestine
Walid Suleiman Salem Abu Daher, 21 years old, was killed on Tuesday, July 22,2014, by an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis
National Resistance Brigades, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (translated from Arabic)
National Resistance Brigades announces the martyrdom of Walid Salman Abu Zaher
The Brigades of the National Resistance, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, announced the martyrdom of Comrade Walid Salman Abu Zaher, member of the military leadership of the Brigades, from wounds sustained on 20/7/2014 during an armed clash in a heroic operation on one of the axes of confronting the barbaric Israeli aggression in Qarara South of the Gaza Strip.
13. Yahya Abd al-Karim Lafi
On Humanize Palestine
Yahya Abd Al-Karim Lafi was killed on August 1, 2014 in Rafah
On Izz al-din al-Qassam Brigades Website (translated from Arabic)
In the ranks of the battalions
Abu al-Walid joined the brigades in 2009, he passed the course of preparing a fighter and then an infantry course and soon after he finished the first and second level in the specialization of military engineering until he joined the ranks of the elite, after he passed the elite course, was the example of the brave courageous soldier who is not afraid of the marriage and other.
His jihadist work was not limited to this, he was one of the tunnels, and he was honored by Allah Almighty to participate in digging the tunnel from which the kidnapping of Officer Hadar Golden.
Palestinian Hasbara
The pictures and narratives displayed above are a very small sample taken from the Humanize Palestine website. To fully appreciate the content of the 2014 photo gallery and entirely comprehend what the students in the seminar were presented, we needed to examine all 236 photos in the 2014 photo gallery on the Humanize Palestine website.
Statistical Analysis of 2014 Photo Gallery
There were 236 pictures in the 2014 Humanize Palestine photo gallery. After a thorough investigation of each photo, these are the most significant findings:
1. 111 (47%) were members of a military wing of a terror organization: Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, PIJ al-Quds Brigades, al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, DFLP National Resistance Battalions, Mujjahideen Brigades, Abdul Qadir al-Husseini Brigades, Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem.
2. 31 (13%) were affiliated terror operatives: Hamas, Fatah, Fatah Youth Organization.
3. 50 (21%) were civilians killed alongside their terror operative family member during military combat.
4. 7 (2%) Individuals specifically targeted in a military strike related to Operation Protective Edge
5. 29 (12%) Non-involved civilians
6. Miscelanious: West Bank rioting, unidentified, false reporting, not related to hostilities.
60% were terror operatives; There were family members of terror operatives who died with them while they were engaged in combat. Add these fatalities (50 / 21%) to the terror operatives killed and then we arrive at 81%, 81% of the photos in the 2014 gallery were related to FTOs.
12% were civilians who did not participate in combat and who were not affiliated with any terrorist organization.
Creative narratives, nuanced photographs, that represent Palestinian terror operatives as innocent civilians, this is Humanize Palestine. This website was a “key text” for a course taught in 2017 at the University of Hawaii - Manoa. Terror operatives, members of U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations were presented to students as civilians murdered by the Israeli military. Humanize Palestine was an on-line memorial to Palestinian terrorism, terror operatives and their families. These were the life narratives/texts read by students enrolled in a course at the University of Hawaii - Manoa, “Seminar in Life Writing: Human Lives, Uncivil States”.
French philosopher Oliver Reboul, “L’endoctrinement”, wrote about teaching-related indoctrination:“counterfeit the facts in order to emphasize a certain doctrine”
Mariana Momanu, PhD, is a lecturer at the Department of Psychology and Education Sciences at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. In June 2012, Prof. Momanu published a paper in META: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy, Vol. IV, No. 1, an international peer-reviewed journal. The paper’s title was “The Pedagogical Dimensions of Indoctrination”. She stated that when facts are counterfeited in order to emphasize a certain doctrine, the education is not only biased but false, the evidence presented is false and the statistics generated are counterfeit.
Humanize Palestine was not the only website used as a “key text” in the seminar. The GazaNames Project was also assigned reading for students enrolled in the 2017 course: “we will read life narratives coming out of the US and Palestine/Israel … Key texts for this section are … the 2014 web-based …The GazaNames Project….”
“Part II: GazaNames Project - Signs of Concealment”, will document another advocacy tool deployed at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The Gaza Names Project in some respects, is similar to the Humanize Palestine website. It uses a picture gallery format of individuals holding up signs containing the names and ages of dead Palestinian ‘civilians murdered by Israel’. Many of these ‘civilians’ were Palestinian terror operatives killed in combat during the 2014 Gaza war. Concealed identities, terror operatives represented as civilians, exaggerated fatalities of innocent women and children, all strategies of Hamas, so is there a nexus? The evidence will demonstrate that there is.