Yes, it’s Springtime for Hitler all over again. If you read that Mein Kampf has just been republished in Germany, you read it right.
If you read that the book is flying off the shelves, this too is correct.
Pornography always sells.
The copyright expired December 31, so the people responsible for such things, Deutschland’s Institute for Contemporary History, were left with an enigma, or weltschmerz. Probably there was much “soul searching” until it was decided, “What harm can it do?”
Plenty. The timing couldn’t be worse. So far as anti-Semitism we are back to 1933.
This is Europe, don’t forget, where even as they run, hide and bolt their doors against Muslim predators, the EU still finds time to boycott Jewish goods. Luxuriating in the ancient superstition of Jew-hating is becoming a ridiculous pastime. The Jews are going, going, gone. It’s time to smell the Halal.
Presumably the Mein Kampf re-issue, abetted with critical annotations, is meant to engage serious readers and scholars (or people who long for the good old days).
The intellectuals may well need the new edition for perspective and “historical purposes.” This does not explain why the book has become a sensation.
There is no need to whisper “about the Jews.” Not anymore. Hitler’s gone public again. He’s hot. He’s in style.
There aren’t that many intellectuals, not enough to make it an instant bestseller.
The appeal must be elsewhere, among those who will be thrilled and titillated by the twisted ravings of a madman.
For many, the book will serve as a “how-to” handbook, just in case the Koran isn’t persuasive enough. Anti-Semitism for Dummies.
We are not talking about all of them and if it’s “only” 10 percent it still means the world is in danger and the streets are unsafe for women especially.
If there was ever a time to Index a book, it’s this one, as millions of migrants, mostly from Arab countries, keep pouring into Europe, thanks to Angela Merkel’s terrible blunder. She opened the door wide open for people, 70 percent of them men without women, who bring with them tribal feuds and a culture totally incompatible with Western values, typified by the Rape of Cologne as told here prophetically.
They need this book?
Rather, it will only serve to justify their homegrown clannish bigotries, now reinvigorated in a new country.
They bring their prejudices with them wherever they go and they don’t need reading material to make them Brown Shirt believers.
These “refugees” are born brainwashed. They get indoctrinated in the womb. They arrive inflamed and they are coming to America.
Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday highlights Syrian refugees on hand as a means to condition the country for more, more, more.
No word from the White House about Philadelphia where a police officer was shot point blank by a man who said he did it in the name of Islam.
So it goes for Liberals like Obama and Hillary and Trudeau and Merkel who reckon that Christians and Jews ought to know their place, second-class to the beloved migrants. So it goes for Germany where this year alone, it’s a million automatic anti-Semites fresh off the boat.
With Hitler and Mein Kampf to greet them.
What can possibly go wrong?
It’s unlikely that they do much reading anyhow, these new-arrivals, and that they even know the particulars of the book. But they do get the message.
Which is? That Germany approves. There is no need to whisper “about the Jews.” Not anymore. Hitler’s gone public again. He’s hot. He’s in style.
Anti-Semitism is in again, though it was never out. The book itself was always in circulation in one form or another.
It must be said that in recent times the German government has been elaborately helpful toward the Jewish State, far more so than the rest of Europe.
Through acts of contrition intended to atone for the sins of the fathers, Germany’s post-war leaders have partnered with Israel on various fronts.
So what was the point of this most recent step?
If it was to remind us that nothing has changed from 1933 to 2016, point well taken. The Munich publishers got that right.
If it was meant to illustrate that nothing has been learned, okay, agreed.
But that would assume that there were no sinister motives, for in fact, that odious book has not only been re-published. It’s been rehabilitated!
This brings to mind Gunther Grass, the German-writing Nobel laureate who for 60 years wrote as the moral voice for a new Germany.
No Third Reich for him, until late in life he revealed a shocker, that he’d been a member of the Waffen-SS. At first he expressed regret.
Later, however, he dropped hints that he was not sorry for his past.
Not sorry, still the voice for too many in Germany about the past.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: