For every terror attack, for every murder, a community will arise, thousands of apartments will be built and Israeli sovereignty will be applied in the Land of Israel - then the understanding that we are here in this Land to stay forever will sink into the minds of the enemy and the world.

Stuttered comments and declarations about concrete abutments, about giving up the Temple Mount, words about two states, only encourage terror.

Where are those Mapainiks who knew how to rule, to expel, to fight, to rule the country?
Where are those Mapainiks (early political party, forerunner of Labor) who knew how to rule, to expel, to fight, to rule the country?

What has happened to us?

This is not the first time that a wave of terror has attacked our country. We were capable and we won, when the control was in our hands. Our response must be clear. First in the area of values - this is our Land and we must realize our rights in it. In the area of security - to restore deterrence by means of collective punishment - the families of the terrorists should be expelled, their houses and the houses of their families must be totally destroyed. In the area of
settlement - as was said above, we must expand our borders and implement and realize our sovereignty.

This Shabbat we will read the Torah portion Hayei Sarah. Our father Abraham, at the peak of his mourning, makes a purchase in the Land of Israel. He teaches us that out of our suffering, it is possible and necessary to build. This is the path that he paved for us.

Wednesday, November 12, a demonstration will be held at 7:00pm in front of the national police headquarters on Route 1.  A demonstration will
be held for the restoration of security with the participation of members of Knesset, public figures and terror victims. The demonstration is organized by Aryeh King and the Coordinating Committee of the border communities.

On Friday, at 9:00 at Oz veGa'on, named for the three kidnapped boys, we will hear the story of the beginnings of settlement in the City of the Fathers from Rabbi Amram Yifrah, who is one of the first to settle there, and grandfather of Ayal, may G-d avenge his blood. In addition, each and every person can
make his own "purchase" of Oz veGa'on by bringing a planter with a plant or flower so that Oz veGa'on will continue to bloom even during the sabbatical year. 

To the Lamkus family and the entire yishuv Tekoa- May you be comforted by the building of Eretz Yisrael.

"Let us go up now and take possession of the land for we are well able to overcome it." (Numbers 13:30)