Israel and Saudi Arabia are working to create a new, even more destructive variant of the notorious Stuxnet virus.
The Obama administration does not fully grasp the intra-Arab mindset of hostility that defies stability in the Middle East. In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, Israel and Saudi Arabia's frustration and trepidation is palpable in the wider Arab world.
American inaction in Syria, its seriously flawed interim nuclear deal, lack of progress on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, withdrawal of aid to the Egyptian military after the ouster of President Obama's cohort of Muslim Brotherhood and the thaw in America’s relations with Iran, have all escalated the deepening mistrust and tensions between the US and its long-time allies in the volatile region.
Saudi Arabia's rejection of a seat on the UN Security Council reflects the monarchy's growing anger over the world’s failure to respond to the Syrian crisis.
Adding insult to injury, Obama's egocentric approach in countering radical extremism and lackadaisical attempts in preventing Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons has irreparably damaged US credibility. And Obama's bogus commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon is quite simply a pathological lie.
Classified intelligence documents reveals terrifying and shocking secrets about Obama's [politically engineered] Muslim Brotherhood take over of power in Egypt. And conspiracy theory aside, "it is a fact that many Arab countries including Egypt have disappeared from the borders of the new Middle East."
Egyptian media are claiming that Obama is a "full-on" member of the Muslim Brotherhood and "Obama's brother is affiliated with the terrorist group Al Qaeda", saying the news "would certainly explain Obama’s inexplicable support for the [Muslim] Brotherhood."
With Russia’s influence on the rise as that of the US diminishes, sources say it will be important for Israel to invest in better relations and understanding with Russia.
The Saudis and other Arab countries have decided to provide Egypt with $12 billion to substitute for the suspended $1.3 billion in [US] military assistance to the Egyptian military over its overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed president, Mohammad Morsi. The Egyptian military want Russia's help in developing nuclear power and some $4 billion in jet fighters, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
Riyadh has just put in a huge order for 15,000 US-made Raytheon BGM-71 anti-tank missiles costing more than $1 billion [possibly] destined for Saudi-backed Syrian rebel militias to get round the Obama administration's refusal to let them have heavy weapons.
It is common knowledge in the intelligence community that Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey shared ian nterest in supporting opposition groups against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, their mutual nemesis. With this in mind, however, it is highly unlikely for Riyadh, Ankara and Jerusalem to become allies considering their divergent internal and regional ambitions.
Given Obama's indecisiveness and hesitancy to act on Syria, America's pivot to Asia is a convenient smokescreen to abandon its long-time allies when Iran made concessions in the nuclear dossier in return for more freedom of action in the region.
As a consequence of the emerging Iranian-American rapprochement in exchange for an illusion of peace, sectarian division has only intensified violence between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia.
Similarly, the Saudis considers Islamists affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood to be a mortal threat. That is why the monarchy has been supporting the Egyptian military, Syrian rebels and Al Qaeda jihadists to keep Iran at bay.
This new-found assertiveness -- fighting against fellow Islamists, allying tacitly with Israel, perhaps acquiring Pakistani-made nuclear weapons, and even reaching out to Tehran -- marks yet another consequence of Obama's imploding foreign policy.
In the face of Obama's repeated attempts to negotiate and betray, Saudi Arabia inadvertently become de facto anti-Iran ally of Israel. For the most part, the "secret" Israel-Saudi alliance is a blessing in disguise because they both consider Iran, Syria and Hezbollah their common enemies.
Strategically, this unexpected new level of cooperation in the midst of a vast Saudi effort to covertly undermine Iranian power in Syria and Lebanon redounds to benefit Israel.
The fact is, Iran is using terror to achieve global hegemony based on the Islamic regime's goal of exporting Shiite revolution, while Al Qaeda is calling for global Jihad and a strict implementation Sharia or Islamic law.
However, when looking at the bigger picture, a Sunni Islamist Al Qaeda victory in Syria and Lebanon represents an enormous challenge and more dangerous threat to the Middle East and the West.
The mullah-led regime may call the 'interim' deal anything they want, a diplomatic coup or breakthrough-- but in the end, the deceptive game of nuclear checkmate diplomacy and the recent assassination of Hezbollah commander ratchets up Saudi covert war on Iran and Lebanese proxy.
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Fars News Agencyreported that Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed on containing Iran by any possible means, exercising stronger control over Syria’s Jihadist forces, sidelining Muslim Brotherhood and stopping the waves of the Arab Spring.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are working to create a new, even more destructive variant of the notorious Stuxnet virus to spy on and destroy the software structure of Iran's nuclear program. The Stuxnet 2.0 malware for nuclear strike is considered a game changer in the security community for its ability to physically sabotage systems in power plants.
In 2011, the Stuxnet virus wreaked havoc on Iranian nuclear centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility and the Flame virus also surfaced in 2012 and disrupted computers in several Arab countries, including Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, and Sudan.
For all intents and purposes, the Iran nuclear deal was not an error but a done deal. The Obama administration aiding and abetting America and Israel's enemies is a red flag bordering on treason -- an utterly ominous foolish mistake.
We need not look any further because Iranian bellicosity and the Obama administration's pro-Iran policies have combined to end many decades of Saudi [and Israel] strategic reliance on Washington and to begin thinking how to protect themselves.
Michael Doran of the Brookings Institute, suggested that Washington is in the first phase of seeking a ‘strategic partnership’ with Iran, an ‘entente cordiale’ which would see a US-Iranian alliance forming a lynchpin of regional stability.
Therefore, it is an illusion that a permanent nuclear deal can be reached in six months considering Tehran's refusal to dismantle its military enrichment program. But sooner than later, the "nuclear breakthrough" may be revealed no more than merely a dull rehash of the "interim" deal signed in Geneva.
Finally, in the face of a growing multi-polar global order-- Israel and Saudi Arabia cannot expect to have American support ad infinitum. And as far as the Islamic republic is concerned, they believe the more their nuclear program is expanded, the less likely the West could demand its total dismantlement.
Basically, US relationship with traditional allies such as Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel will be strained indefinitely. Apart from the temporary standoff with Iran, Obama's betrayal makes war with Iran inevitable.
Skepticism may be understandable, but it does not justify inaction [in Syria and Iran]. Many states have already recognized that armed might in the nuclear-cyberspace age, may be not only genocidal, but also suicidal.
As the old Arab saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
The writer was clinical research-physician-general surgeon for Saudi Arabian, Philippine and American healthcare systems and is currently an American freelance writer as well as op-ed contributor.