The administration at Tzfat Academic College has decided to permanently expel an Arab student who expressed support for the terrorist attack in Hadera in which two police officers were murdered in March.
In a WhatsApp message to another student, the Arab student called the terrorists who committed the attack "heroes" and said that "it is good that the Jews suffer."
The decision sets a precedent for institutions of higher learning in Israel, which have seen an increase in the number of anti-Israel demonstrations and Palestinian Authority flags flown on campus.
The recipient of the hateful message, a Druze student, was shaken by it, especially as one of the police officers who was killed in the attack was a Druze policeman, and contacted the school administration/
The student who sent the message was summoned to a hearing, where additional evidence against him was presented, including complaints of violence, verbal, and physical abuse, which included shoving, shouting, and threats toward other students as. Two female students also said he told them he knew where they lived and threatened to throw a grenade at their homes.
College director Shlomi Ben Non stated that "the disciplinary committee's decision was necessary and correct in light of the student's behavior. We will not allow expressions of hatred and incitement at the college. Tzfat Academic College will provide a calm and safe academic space for its students, and anyone who attempts to harm this fabric of life or intimidate his fellow students will be expelled from the college immediately."