Jews who ascended the Temple Mount this morning were astonished to find that the Arabs had placed stones to block the paths Jews usually take when visiting the site, and even set up a number of makeshift checkpoints.
Tom Nisani, the CEO of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, testified that" the Temple Mount looks like a battlefield. Arabs again threw stones and whatever they could get their hands on.
"For the second night in a row, the police allowed hundreds of Arabs to enter the Temple Mount at night and prepare stone barriers and blockades in the passages."
The stones strewn along the path present a difficult obstacles for Jewish visitors, who do not wear leather shoes and often visit the Temple Mount barefoot in accordance with the holiness of the site.
Following the Arab riots, the police delayed the Jews from entering the mountain for half an hour. The morning entry for Jews to the Temple Mount during the holiday is allowed between the hours of 7: 00-10: 30. In addition, the police do not allow Jewish groups to stop in front of the site of the Holy Temple for a few minutes as is customary.
About 100 Jews have ascended the Temple Mount so far this morning.