Arresting terrorist
Arresting terroristצילום: דובר צה"ל

This morning, IDF soldiers operated in a number of locations Judea and Samaria and apprehended 13 suspected terror operatives

This morning, IDF and ISA forces conducted counterterrorism activities in the towns of Burqa and Qallil, where IDF soldiers apprehended eight suspects and confiscated four vehicles and two guns.

During the counterterrorism activity, violent riots were instigated by dozens of Palestinians in a number of locations in the town of Qallil. The rioters burned tires and hurled rocks at the soldiers. In addition, live fire shots were heard in the area. No IDF injuries were reported.

IDF soldiers also apprehended two Hamas terrorist operatives at two locations in the city of Hebron.

In addition, IDF soldiers apprehended two suspects in the town of Al Aroub who hurled firebombs at civilians on Route 60 in the past, as well as two suspects in the towns of Bruqin and Meithalun.

The suspects and the confiscated weapons were transferred to Israeli security forces for further processing.