White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
White House Press Secretary Jen PsakiOfficial White House Photo by Chandler West

White House press secretary Jen Psaki is planning to leave her White House position for a cable news show.

According to a report in Axios, Psaki is currently in negotiations with MSNBC for a spot on the network after she resigns as press secretary in May, a source with knowledge of the talks said.

For weeks it has been rumored that Psaki might jump ship for a TV job, a common transition for White House communications officials.

According to sources, Psaki has been speaking with the White House counsel’s office about scheduling her last weeks on the job, due to the legal aspects of leaving for a TV gig. She has also spoken to several White House officials about her talks with MSNBC.

U.S. government ethics laws mandate the means in which a public employee can seek private sector employment while in office.

While Psaki’s resignation has not been formally announced, it is being reported that she is in exclusive talks with MSNBC for an on-air spot, and that other networks that had been interested in hiring her – including CNN – are now out of the picture.

Psaki will likely host her own MSNBC show on NBC’s streaming platform Peacock, and will also make guest appearances on MSNBC’s cable channel.