Avraham Saadia, 15 months old, drowned Monday evening in a bucket of paint in the yard of his Netivot home.
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics attempted to resuscitate the infant, but were forced to declare his death.
MDA paramedics Maoz Wiberman and Osher Assuliin, who arrived at the scene on MDA motorcycles, said, "When we entered the courtyard of the building we saw the infant unconscious and covered in paint. We immediately began providing medical treatment, including [chest] massages and assisted respiration, while drawing out the paint which had entered his lungs, using special medical equipment."
"We continued the resuscitation, together with staff from the mobile ICU, but in the end we were forced to declare his death."
The Saadia family had been painting its home and yard ahead of the upcoming Passover holiday. The infant walked out the back door as his family painted the house, and entered the bucket, where his sister Hilda found him. He is survived by his parents and seven siblings.