Yonaton Behar
Yonaton BeharYonaton Behar

"The sun rises and goes down" (Ecclesiastics 1:5).

Bereishit Rabbah 58:

Rabbi Aba bar Kahana asked: Do we not know that the sun rises and goes down?

This is what it means: When the Holy One of Blessing causes the sun of a righteous person to set, he causes the sun of his fellow to shine forth.

The day that Rabbi Akiba died, our rabbi (Judah the Prince) was born and it was written about him "The sun rises and the sun goes down."

On the day that our rabbi died Rabbi Ada Bar Ahava was born and it was written about him "The sun rises and the sun goes down."

On the day that Rabbi Ada Bar Ahava died, Rabbi Avin was born and it was written about him "The sun rises and the sun goes down."

On the day that Rabbi Avin died, his son Rabbi Avin was born.

The day that Rabbi Avin died, Aba Hoshaya from Traya was born.

The day that Aba Hoshaya died Rabbi Hoshaya was born and it was written about him "The sun rises and the sun goes down."

Before the sun of Moses set the sun of Joshua shone forth as it is written, "God said to Moses, take Joshua Son of Nun" (Numbers 27:18).

Before the sun of Joshua set the sun of Otniel son of Kenaz shone forth as it is said, "Otniel son of Kenaz took it" Judges 1:13).

Before the sun of Eli the priest set, the sun of Samuel shone forth, "the lamp of God had not yet gone out and Samuel lay on the sanctuary of God" (1 Samuel 3:3).

Rabbi Yochanan said, "Like a perfect calf." Before God causes the sun of Sarah to set, he causes the sun of Rebecca to shine forth. For first, it says "Behold Milkah also bore children" (Genesis 22:20)) and after that "and the life Sarah was one hundred years..(Genesis 23:1)."