Dr. Mike Evans with former Vice President Mike Pence
Dr. Mike Evans with former Vice President Mike Pencecourtesy

Top evangelical leaders have come together to honor former Vice President Mike Pence for his support for the State of Israel.

The leaders, who mobilized the vote that elected Donald Trump and were part of the Trump Faith Initiative, united to honor Pence on March 8 at the Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Museum in Jerusalem.

The founder of Friends of Zion who was also a Trump supporter, Dr. Michael Evans, hosted the event and presented Pence the Friends of Zion award.

This is the first time that evangelical leaders have mobilized to show their support for Pence since the January 6 crisis.

Upon receiving the award former Vice President Mike Pence said: “No matter what the future holds. I want to ensure that wherever I speak or give a speech I will say out loud that the United States supports Israel and will always stand by Israel”.

Pence added “When I arrived today I had the privilege of meeting the Chief Rabbi of Kyiv Yonatan Markowitz and his courageous wife Ina, it reminded me of why Israel is here, and how important it is for all of us to stand for freedom and to stand with the people of this beloved country.

Dr. Mike Evans, FOZ Founder said “Vice President Mike Pence played a major role in bringing about the Trump faith initiative for the State of Israel and he wants to congratulate him for that.