In an attempt to increase the aid provided to the Ukrainian nation, Israel's Foreign and Health ministries next week will send a medical delegation to Ukraine, to set up a field hospital there.
The field hospital will be operated by Sheba Medical Center, Clalit Health Services, and medical staffs from other hospitals. The field hospital will include wards for children and adults, an emergency room, a delivery room, and a first aid clinic. It will make use of advanced telehealth technology.
Professor Yitshak Kreiss, Director General of Sheba Medical Center, said: "This is our personal, professional, and national obligation towards every person, whoever he may be. We have the means and ability, and we must not stand on the sidelines."
Ruth Ralbag, Director General of Clalit Health Services, said, "As part of the delegation coming together, which will leave to treat refugees in Ukraine, Clalit took upon itself to [send] expert staff at Schneider Children's Hospital to treat children." She added that "additional medical staffs will be added to the delegation, according to the needs on the ground."
Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) said, "We are fulfilling our moral obligation, increasing humanitarian aid and extending help to the Ukrainian nation." He added, "We will continue to help, as much as necessary, in order to save the lives of civilians whose world was destroyed in one moment."