Praying at the Western Wall
Praying at the Western WallShalev Shalom/TPS

A delegation of Reform "rabbis" from the US is expected to land in Israel next week, for the purpose of meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to discuss the Western Wall compromise plan.

The meeting is expected to take place next Monday. It will be the first time in five years that Reform 'rabbis' meet an Israeli prime minister.

In recent weeks, the government has succeeded in removing the plan from the coalition's priority list - but now Reform leaders are insisting it be put back.

According to sources identified with the battle against the Reform community, the Reform and Conservative organizations, as well as Women of the Wall, are planning a mass parade with their 'rabbis' and MKs, for the purpose of bringing a Torah scroll to the Western Wall.

The Western Wall has its own scrolls, and other scrolls are not allowed to be brought into the plaza.

"It could be that these [people] will use an MK's immunity in order to bring a Torah scroll into the Western Wall plaza," the sources said.

Liba Yehudit Director General Oren Heonig said, "The Western Wall is the 'mezuza' of the People of Israel - secular, religious, and haredi. Harming the holiness of the Western Wall and distributing it to those who hate Judaism will inflame the situation and send a million people into the streets."

"Bennett, do not touch the Western Wall. Do not meet the Reform leaders. You will be remembered forever as a disgrace and an embarrassment."