A large group of rioters gathered today (Friday) near agricultural areas in the Nahal Shilo in the Binyamin region. The crowd uprooted and damaged 250 olive seedlings, causing damages estimated in the tens of thousands of shekel, and violently attacked Jewish residents.
Binyamin Regional Council chairman Israel Ganz commented, "This violence, caused by the extreme left and the Arabs, is rampant. With the encouragement of left-wing organizations and the backing of senior ministers, Arab rioters set out to destroy and uproot Jewish property. They uprooted and destroyed 250 olive tree seedlings."
Ganz asked, "Where is the Minister of Defense who laments violence? Where is the Minister of Public Security who calls on IDF soldiers to use force against Jews? The Arab rioters and left-wing organizations draw strength from the moral confusion that grips government officials. We will dig in deeper here. We will not give in."