Jonathan Pollard, at the conclusion of the shiva (mourning) week for his wife Esther urged that her message of unity be honored.
"Esther took me to Geula and Meah She'arim, and afterwards to Tel Aviv, and told me, 'In both of these places you saw people who are not like you, but they are all your brothers,'" he recalled.
"Only through unity will we be able to stand up to all the difficult challenges facing us.
"Please remember Esther and remember this message: Unity, unity, unity."
Pollard added that on Sunday, "at 6:30p.m., there will be a memorial and inspirational event in Esther's memory, at the Heichal Yaakov synagogue at 17 Harav Reines Street, Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem."
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion and his wife Stavit on Saturday night paid a condolence call to Pollard, saying, "Your wife was as strong as a lioness."
In a heart-to-heart talk between the two, Pollard told Lion that he thanks him for being attentive at every opportunity and always trying to help and make things easier for them.
"We merited the fact that you chose to live here, in Jerusalem, the holy city, and I am sure you will remain with us for many more years," Lion said.