The Knesset's Education Committee is discussing a proposal by its chair, MK Sharren Haskel (New Hope) to adapt the school schedule to parents' vacation schedules.
Under the proposal, summer vacation would be shortened to just one month, and school would begin on August 1. The proposal would also shorten the school week to just five days instead of the current six, eliminating studies on Fridays.
During the Committee's discussions, MK Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism) expressed opposition to the proposal, explaining that it goes against the haredi school schedule.
In the first place, he said, haredi schools, yeshivas, and kollels (yeshivas for married men) are very careful to hold studies on Fridays.
Secondly, Porush explained, yeshivas have only three weeks of summer vacation: Between the Ninth of Av, and the first day of the Jewish month of Elul. August 1 almost always falls within this time frame, he noted.
"Many thousands of parents who studying in kollel can plan their vacations specifically during these three weeks, 'bein hazmanim,'" Porush explained.
Later in the meeting, it was agreed that Haskel and the other relevant parties will sit with Porush to coordinate and adapt the accepted school schedules in the haredi sector, as well as their vacation days.