Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver, CanadaiStock

In honor of Raoul Wallenberg Day in Canada, which took place on January 17, the Toronto-based Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI) launched a new exhibit in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The Power of One exhibit at the Vancouver Police Department headquarters aims to “inspire people into positive action by profiling role models,” including Terry Fox, Chiune Sugihara and Mahatma Gahdhi.

In his remarks at the event’s launch, Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer said he was "very honoured to support AGPI and to have this beautiful Power of One display to remember the difference that we can all make in changing the world and never underestimating the importance of the impact we can have on other people.”

City Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung spoke about the importance of combating all forms of hatred, calling for greater resources to combat increasing discrimination in society.

She also reminded the audience about the importance of Holocaust education.

"Each one of us alone is a power of one," said AGPI Chairman Avi Benlolo. "But together we become the power of many and that can multiply our effort to make the world a better place for everyone.”

Benlolo also thanked the police leaders in attendance for “being the community's unsung heroes, often risking their own lives to protect ours.”

Later that day, AGPI hosted a presentation given by Dr. Ralph Nurenberger in honour of Raoul Wallenberg Day.

In attendance at the event honoring Wallenberg – a Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary during the Holocaust – was H.E. Charlotta Schlyter, Swedish Ambassador to the country's Permanent UN Mission.

"Dr. Nurenberger's discussion on the life and legacy of Raoul Wallenberg...shows the lengths individuals can go to make a difference in the lives of strangers,” panel moderator Neil Orlowsky said.