
As of Friday morning, Amazon has removed 26 problematic Nazi film titles from their website — pages for 23 DVDs no longer exist and three on Prime are now listed as "unavailable," Dov Hikind, former NY State Assemblyman and Founder of Americans Against Antisemitism has reported.

"Upon further review, a handful of cited films were deemed not problematic since the subject matter isn't directly related to WWII and the Holocaust — an acceptable rubric. But the very worst Nazi films like The Eternal Jew, Jud Süss, and The Rothschilds' Shares in the Waterloo are all gone from the platform," he added.

"Clearly, Amazon heard our collective calls and read our organization's report, item by item, and despite the horror of discovering such a problem on a platform that plays such an outsized roles in our lives," explained Hikind.

"It's 2022 and lots of weird things have been happening in the past few years but, thankfully, normalizing and mainstreaming Nazi propaganda films isn't one of them."

"We're truly pleased that Amazon ultimately took the sweeping and broad action that was necessary to ensure Prime Cinemas didn't become Nazi Cinemas," Hikind emphasized. "Removing 26 films entirely from their website is no small feat, so it's reassuring to see we're on the same page in terms of the types of hateful contents that clearly have no place on any mainstream platform. A great relief."

Hikind added, however, that, "There is one highly problematic film, however, that oddly remains: Forces Occultes. While the rest of the films allowed to stay are clearly not focused on glorifying Nazis or demonizing Jews, the product image for this film on Amazon's page dispels any doubt as to the nature of its contents and condemns itself to removal."

"And...just when we thought our work was nearly done, we made the unfortunate discovery that the Nazi film Triumph of the Will — the one Amazon removed first and quickest from its platform — is presently available for streaming on Apple TV (at twice the price) and VUDU."

"We will not stop until these last problematic Nazi films — one still available on each platform (Amazon, Apple, and VUDU) — are removed," he promised.