Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי
After Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi overthrew the Egyptian government led by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist leadership ended up in jail. The Economist tells us that Ibrahim Mounir, the new Supreme Guide, now lives and works from London, from which he "oversees the international network of the Brotherhood and has good relations with foreign governments".

"In the depths of the British capital, the Muslim Brotherhood office has become one of the most active branches of the Islamist group," writes Foreign Policy.

London was the "natural home" for the Islamic Brotherhood. It was already home to the Brotherhood's English-language site, "Ikhwanweb". Gomaa Amin, the second in command and the oldest member of the Brotherhood not in prison, also lives in London. The son of Essam al-Haddad, arrested by the Egyptian security forces, is one of the leaders of the London wing. They use facade foundations, such as Cordoba, which takes its name from the Spanish city that was long conquered by Islam.

The Sunday Telegraph revealed that the main hubs for the Brotherhood's operations in Europe are Westgate House, a building to the west of London, and Crown House, to the north. "They contain at least 25 organizations linked to the Brotherhood".

And from London, the Muslim Brotherhood is now launching mega projects in the heart of Europe.

Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas logos

The Europe Trust, a UK-based organization linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, has just acquired a € 4 million property in Berlin's Wedding district, reports Die Welt. “Wedding - a former working-class neighborhood in Berlin - has been transformed into a stronghold of political Islam and a hotspot for religious extremists. Now it is known for being a community full of mosques, shops, Islamic cultural centers and associations ”.

Jean-Louis Harouel, law historian at the Paris II University and author of Human Rights Against the People (Liberilibri), in the weekly Valeurs Actuelles, has just explained that Islamists have found a great ally in Brussels. “Institutional Europe is the worst enemy of the peoples of Europe”.

A pro-Islamic partisanship that has manifested itself just recently with the attempt by the Council of Europe to launch a major propaganda campaign, co-financed by the European Union, in favor of the hijab, presented as an instrument of women's freedom. "The Council of Europe strongly supports the expansion of Islam in Europe, declaring that 'Muslims are at home in Europe' (resolution 1743)," explains Harouel. “European leaders, like those of Western European countries, persist in denying that Islam is not only a religion, but also a civilization, and a civilization hostile to European civilization. They refuse to see the obvious, which is that Europe is currently a victim of the muffled process of Muslim conquest."

"It is in this spirit of submission that the European Union urged its officials to refrain from talking about Christmas, so as not to anger Muslims by naming a Christian holiday. The remains of Christianity have more legitimacy on European soil than those who claim to import other cults and other civilizations, who must be prevented from enslaving Europeans by subjecting them to some form of dhimmitude ”.

If the European Commission and the Council of Europe seem to work daily against the defense of European identity and civilization, the two composite institutions have a very generous hand (with European taxpayers' money) when it comes to granting funds to associations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. 64 million euros of public subsidies granted since 2007, this is the count just established by Global Watch Analysis: "At the top of the Islamist organizations that receive European subsidies there are three types of associations: Islamist humanitarian NGOs, youth or women's associations and community organizations that they are conducting a 'legal jihad' against the opponents of Islam ”.

The latest Brussels madness was revealed by Fild. The European Union has financed a program against "gender Islamophobia" - more than 160,000 euros of public money - under the aegis of the European Institute for the Mediterranean. The objective of this project is to: teach journalism students from Belgium and Spain to recognize and combat "gender Islamophobia".

Fatiha Agag Boudjahlat, teacher and essayist from Toulouse, tells Fild that “it is the new semantic Trojan horse used by the Islamists. They appropriate the image of women for their soft power, as well as for their economic influence. Today the pseudo-NGOs approved by the European Union or the European Council pass off their Islamist demands as struggles for civil rights. And of course you understand that the defense of women's rights is more consensual than that of bearded men in qamis ”.

They try to make us believe that Islam is a religion perfectly compatible with European values ​​... Boudjahlat blames the EU: “At this level it is no longer even blindness, it is complacency towards Islamists. Europe finances and legitimizes organizations that use women to trivialize Islamist entryism on our continent. I often hear the phrase that 'the Islamist worm is in the European fruit'. Unfortunately not, we are the worm and they are already paying off”.

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.