On Twitter, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin condemned "inadmissible acts". Jean-Marc Sertillange, deacon of the parish, said: "The route of just one kilometer was authorized by the prefecture".
"Wallah on the Koran, we will cut your throat", they told the priest who had opened the procession.
Catholic faithful have been hit on numerous occasions in France, in the basilica of Nice, in a church in Normandy. Catholic associations have also been targeted by the Brussels bombers.
The Muslims in Nanterre tell Catholics "it is not your home" because in fact they have already proven so, like when hundreds illegally pray on the street. Le Parisien tells it to us The Ibn Badis Institute, which brings together a mosque and a private Muslim school, will double its capacity, bringing it from 1,500 to 3,000 faithful, “one of the largest Muslim places of worship in Hauts-de-Seine”. And thus avoid street prayers. “200-300 faithful are forced to remain outside. And it can reach up to 500 or 600 during the Eid prayer ".
The same phrase, "France is ours" was shouted by a group of Islamists at the time of the Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielkraut. It is always on the street, which has become a dangerous place in France. "The meaning was: 'France is the land of Islam.'" Finkielkraut later said. "This insult should make us reflect".
But we don't think we have enemies.
“On Wednesday 25 November, Éric Zemmour meets supporters and donors during a dinner-debate at the Hilton hotel in Geneva. Outside, a dozen police vans are there to ensure the safety of the future French presidential candidate. A helicopter flies over the area to monitor the perimeter and the police patrol the hotel ”.
Thus opens an investigation by the weekly Valeurs Actuelles on the "most threatened man in France".
In 2015, in the midst of a wave of Islamist attacks, the author of the “French Suicide”, published a year earlier, was among the threatened personalities and was placed under police protection. A period of relative calm followed, until an attack filmed in the middle of the street in April 2019 by a young North African. Last September, still on the street in Paris, we saw the death threats made by a young man who wanted to "burn" the columnist "on the Koran of Mecca". Always the same sentence.
At the end of November, in Nantes, posters all over the city depicted Eric Zemmour with a target stuck to his forehead. Then the journalist's mobile number circulated on social media and earned him a torrent of threats to slit his throat and rape his family. 4 to 6 police officers follow Zemmour. Sufficient? Judging from the video of the assault at his first conference, no. Every day someone is arrested for death threats on Zemmour. And now some of Zemmour's collaborators are also under protection.
Death threats, attacks, assaults have a specific function: to create a medical cordon, to transform someone into a dead man, politically rather than physically.
The philosopher Julien Freund had a professor, Jean Hyppolite, who told him that he did not want to submit Freund's thesis defending the idea that there can be no politics without an enemy. "If you are really right - said Hyppolite - I just have to cultivate my garden". And Freund replied: “Listen, Mr. Hyppolite, you are making another mistake, because you think you are the one who designates the enemy, like all pacifists. As long as we don't want enemies, we won't have them, you think. But it is the enemy that designates you. And if he wants you to be his enemy, you can make him the best friendship offers. As long as he wants you to be the enemy, you will be. And he will also prevent you from cultivating your garden.”
It is the enemy who designates us and he will flush us out right into our garden.
Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.