Prime Minister Naftali Bennett declared today (Sunday) at the opening of a the weekly Cabinet meeting that two British middle school students who had contracted the Omicron variant had recently died.
However, this did not occur, according to an investigation by Channel 12 News.
"The Omicron variant also attacks children. We see this in other countries and are also seeing this in Israel. Just this week two middle school classmates in England died from Omicron. One was not vaccinated at all, and the second, it seems, was only partially vaccinated. We are also seeing children being struck in Israel." Bennett said.
Bennett's words sounded puzzling in light of the World Health Organization's announcement a few days ago that no deaths from the new variant spreading around the world have been identified so far. Also, reports from Europe have suggested that even on the continent, which has recently faced a wave of acute illness, no death or serious illness has been found among the hundreds of new cases of the variant.