Iranian media on Wednesday reported a cyber attack carried out against the Alam al-Huda water monitoring station, which is considered one of the largest in the country.
The activity of the water monitoring station was severely damaged, with crews having difficulty restoring the site to full functionality.
Managers at the site pointed an accusing finger at Israel, blaming the Jewish State for the cyber attack.
Khursan Razawi, director of the Alam al-Huda water monitoring station, told Iranian media that "the water monitoring station underwent a cyber attack on Wednesday and is currently unavailable. The cyber attack was accompanied by passwords displayed by the criminal group that carried out the attack."
Iranian media today (Wednesday) quoted various officials as confirming that in the last two weeks there have been a number of cyber attacks on dams and large water monitoring facilities in Iran, which have caused significant damage. Iran has blamed Israel for all the the alleged cyber attacks.
Earlier this week, Iran claimed that a cyber attack on Iranian private airline Mahan Air has been foiled.