Shabbos ended and I opened up my social media. One of the very first posts I noticed was posted by Deborah Lipstadt. The same Lipstadt who writes about Holocaust denial. President Joe Biden nominated her to be the United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism.
She has been subpoenaed to serve as an expert witness in the case (civil) against the organizers of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. She will be testifying about the antisemitic ideology, rhetoric and symbolism that she claims was evident at the rally. Funny, though, she wasn’t there. Usually hearsay is not allowed in court. She has been an outspoken anti-Trumper for years. I bet Mort Klein of ZOA wasn’t asked to testify. Klein was born to Holocaust survivors in a displaced persons camp in Günzburg, Germany, and recognizes the dangers of left wing anti-Semitism.
Anthony Blinken, our Secretary of State, touts his Holocaust-surviving stepfather in his biography. That fact is often used by the mainstream media as a credential when defending Blinken. The latest example of Blinken's leadership was the failure of the American Afghanistan withdrawal, which saw the US abandonin endangered people to the Taliban.
According to an email from the Zionist Organization of America,” President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken Have No Right to Unilaterally Commit Opening Dangerous Palestinian Arab Consulate in Jerusalem.” It would undermine Jerusalem’s unity and Israeli sovereignty and safety while violating the U.S. Law and the Oslo Accords. Worse, it would reward the terrorist and terrorist-supporting dictatorship called the Palestinian Authority.
Within the United States, Attorney General Merrick Garland made headlines as he compared mothers attending school board meetings because they disagree with the “woke” education curriculum to domestic terrorists. Garland’s son-in-law's race-obsessed education company urges schools to push lawmakers to adopt its ideas and stick taxpayers with the costs. These are the same taxpayers who he wants to investigate if they speak up against the progressive curriculae.
It’s not the first time Garland’s professionalism is being questioned. Back in 2013, published reports alleged that Merrick Garland allowed Obama to keep his appointment book secret in exchange for the nomination of Garland to the Supreme Court, which happened a couple of years later. Demands to release Obama’s appointment book and Obama’s meetings with Bill Ayers and George Soros were basically ignored.
Garland never became a Supreme Court Judge.
Another Jewish Obama ally is the current Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. He made headlines this week for his canceling of the border wall contracts in Texas, despite calls from Republicans and Democrats to secure the border.
Additionally, where is his counsel on advising the President to visit the border? Demand COVID testing? What caused his chief of staff to resign? How much involvement does he have in the January 6th investigations? People are demanding answers and his impeachment immediately.
Jews and money have always been anti-Semitic stereotypes and with Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, it’s actually stirring up again. Inflation, rising unemployment numbers, and defending an IRS rule to report all transactions over $600 are catalysts.
It’s amazing. These Jews want you to live under restrictions they don’t have to follow under federal employee guidelines. Reports say that each of them are worth millions.
Jewish media have no problem publishing features about how they connect to their Judaism. In fact, the media proves to be “fake news.” When Kamala Harris was inaugurated as Vice President, her stepdaughter, Ella Emmoff, made a point to counter stories that she is Jewish. Emmoff claims her mother is not Jewish and she was not raised in the faith. So, social media posts wishing “Shana Tovah” seem nothing more than publicity stunts.
How The World Views Them
Regardless of religion affiliation or political party, the world labels each of them as “Jews.”
Their money and powerful connections actually wouldn’t have saved them from the suicide on Masada, the Spanish Inquisition of 1492 or the death marches of Babi Yar eighty years ago.
Jew-haters around the world are gloating over the rise of anti-Semitism with these people, in leadership positions, giving them a pass.
They are no different than Rabbi Stephen Wise and his relationship with President Franklin Roosevelt. History now proves that Wise was used as a “tool” while the FDR administration did nothing to help Jews in WWII. He kept FDR from meeting with the 500 renowned rabbis who marched on Washington to beg the United States to help save the Jews of Europe.
There are more we could add, Randi Weingarten, President of American Federation of Teachers, David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director, Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff, Rachel Levine, Deputy Health Secretary- and Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State and a leading advocate for the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Their involvement is in failing policies and endless spending that hurt young and old, Black, Asian and Hispanic, LGBTQ, poor and rich, healthy and disabled.
And most damaging, it enables anti-Semites around the world to attack Jews on streets, desecrate Jewish buildings and build coalitions to destroy Israel.
Cindy Grosz is the host of Cindy’s Celebrity and Political Corners that can be downloaded internationally on Jewish Podcasts and through iHeart and Spotify networks.