Vatican, Rome
Vatican, RomeSerge Attal/Flash 90
Mordechai Kedar was part of the IDF intelligence unit for twenty-five years. Researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, internationally known scholar, columnist and lecturer, Kedar talked with me about Kabul’s fall.

“Kabul is pumping new blood into the arteries of the jihad and the results are seen all over the world. We must understand that the Islamic mentality is a 'zero sum game'. When Islam wins, Christianity loses and the 'crusaders' lose. They always see a connection between what happened in the 10th century and what happens in the 21st century.

"Islam progresses, state by state, continent by continent. Today they speak of conquering Rome after Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Church, while Rome is the capital of the Western Church. Having conquered the Eastern Church in 1453, they are now marching on Rome. We hear this clearly from radical Islam. Kabul is only one phase of a global plan. They think it is proof that their path is the right one. They think they have defeated Western culture, embodied by America, which wanted to spread Westernism in the Islamic world. The battle is always cultural, before one for the land or for people”.

Now in Kabul ther battle is between the Taliban and the Islamic State.

“I think the Taliban will win because they have a stronger tribal base. There is no Afghanistan, it is just a name that the British gave it. There is also no Afghan language. The Taliban may be more cautious in supporting al Qaeda against America. September 11 was the Pearl Harbor of the Islamic world. But the Islamic State survived the defeat in Syria and Iraq, it is now an idea, present in Sinai, Nigeria, Libya, Yemen, the Philippines, Khorasan ... They will try to take advantage of it”.

The battle of radical Islam is on several fronts, apparently unrelated.

“It is the very nature of Jihad, which is not only a military war, but also a 'strenuous effort'. And this includes both the military aspect, and also economic jihad:like Qatar providing money to Islamists in the Middle East such as Hamas. Then there is a media jihad, like Al Jazeera. There is a political jihad, in which Islamists enter European parliaments, to fight those countries from within. And there is the 'Hegira' jihad, the Jihad of immigration, which is another manifestation. And we see it very well in Italy. The largest mosque in Europe is in Rome. And what they do in the streets of France, burning churches and physically attacking priests, praying en masse in the open. All they do is strengthen Islam at the expense of other cultures. There is a verse from the Koran, 'Allah is with those who have patience'".

Europe, Kedar explains to me, is the final spoils. “The conquest of Europe by mostly illegal immigration and with a higher birth rate than the European peoples. And then the imposition of halal food on schools in the West, the attempts to silence church bells and the imposition of sharia law on public spaces in immigrant neighborhoods in Western Europe. It's time to wake up, understand and take the necessary steps, before it's too late”.

August 15, Kedar concludes,will be remembered in the Islamic world for decades. “Muslims have a great historical memory. It was no coincidence that September 11 was chosen as the date to attack New York, because on September 11, 1683, the Turkish armies were defeated at the gates of Vienna. And since then the Western world has grown stronger and stronger against Islam. September 11 was chosen for a great historical revenge ".

In June 1983, interviewed by Austrian TV, John Paul II said, recalling the enterprise of the Polish king Jan Sòbieski who joined the Duke Charles of Lorraine: "You will commemorate the hour of destiny when, exactly 300 years ago, the city of Vienna was saved from the conquest that was looming, thanks to the joint efforts of Christianity ... This very important event will remind today's Christians of their common responsibility towards Europe ”.

Who today - which Pope, intellectual or politician - would deliver such a speech without incurring, not only an Islamic fatwa, but also Western excommunication for islamophobia?

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.