The Fatah movement, led by Mahmoud Abbas, stated once again that the city of Jerusalem and the holy sites of Islam and Christianity in it are a "red line" and that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount area) belongs only to Muslims who will not accept an order that would see its use split with Jews.
In a statement issued by the movement marking the 52nd anniversary of the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Denis Michael Rohan, a young Australian Christian to whom the statement referred as a "Zionist," Fatah stressed that the Palestinians guarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque would thwart Israeli plans and Jerusalem would remain the eternal capital of the free and independent Palestinian state.
The Fatah movement also clarified that there would be no peace or stability in the region without the liberation of Jerusalem, the establishment of a free and independent state of Palestine and the return of refugees.
The movement sent congratulations to the residents of Jerusalem who stand firm and defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem, emphasizing that the will of the Palestinian people is stronger than the Israeli war machine, and that the "ethnic cleansing" policy will not succeed since the Palestinians stand by "the historical homeland."